Department Climate Physics

Our research focuses on understanding how atmospheric water conditions the behavior of the climate system. This leads to efforts to answer specific questions such as how cloud processes set the planetary albedo, how moist processes influence the structure of the troposphere, and how `water-powered' circulation systems interact with the surface and the stratosphere. Over the past few years these efforts have led to new developments, in both our modeling and in our measurement capabilities - developments that are resonating in ways that are new, not just for us and the questions we pose, but for the field as a whole.

The new developments in the modelling have the form of a critical transition. It is now possible to perform very large-domain, and even global, storm-resolving (kilometer-scale) simulations on time scales that are important for the coupling between moist processes and the climate system. Our year-long storm-resolving (5 kilometer) coupled simulations are the first of their kind, as were the global atmospheric simulations performed in the context of the DYAMOND project which we led. This capability has been transformative in that it allows us to now study moist processes from the point of view of the atmospheric general circulation and the climate system as a whole; it reduces the scope of poorly constrained model assumptions (in the form or parameterizations of microphysics and turbulence); and it works in terms of observables, thereby linking more naturally to observations. For the questions that interest us, these qualities result in better posed problems with increased bandwidth to the broader scientific community. Complementing this critical transition in the modelling has been the development of new experimental methods as employed in the EUREC4A campaign, and the maturing observational capability of the Barbados Cloud Observatory, which together allow us to measure how water, in the form of clouds or other moist processes, link to circulation.

Scientific Working Groups



FESSTVaL: a festival of close to 300 instruments coming together to peek into the making of mid-latitude thunderstorms Mature thunderstorms appear as impressive weather phenomena: clusters of thunderstorms can extend over hundreds of kilometers in the horizontal and reach up to the tropopause, about 10 km, in the vertical. ...

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In January and February 2020, an international measurement campaign in the trade wind region took place on and around the Caribbean island of Barbados under the leadership of the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology in Hamburg and the CNRS of the Sorbonne University in Paris. It aimed to understand how the trade wind clouds respond to and possibly contribute to climate warming. ...

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Seminars in the climate physics department

The seminar usually takes place Monday at 9:00 am room 22/23. For any changes or suggestion of talks please write a mail to Henning Franke (henning.franke@we dont want or Theresa Mieslinger (theresa.mieslinger@we dont want

The AES seminar is about presenting your work in progress. It is an informal meeting of the atmosphere department and an opportunity to share and discuss your ideas with your colleagues. For further information please have a look here.

Marius Schulz
09:00 h
Elina Plesca
Elina Plesca
09:00 h
Pierre-Olivier Downey
09:00 h
Hernan Campos
Hernan Campos
09:00 h
Bjorn Stevens
09:00–10:00 h
Jana Lennea Hayo
09:00–10:00 h
09:00–10:00 h
Nina Robbins Blanch
09:00–10:00 h
Helene Marie Glöckner

Displaying results 1 to 8 out of 10

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Department members und publications

IMPRS doctoral candidate Drivers of Tropical Circulation
Phd Candidate
B 421
Wave Driven Circulations
G 1706
Tropical Cloud Observations
G 1806
IMPRS doctoral candidate Drivers of Tropical Circulation
Phd Candidate
B 412
Climate Surface Interaction
IMPRS doctoral candidate Drivers of Tropical Circulation
Phd Candidate
B 424
IMPRS doctoral candidate Global Circulation and Climate
Phd Candidate
B 412
IMPRS doctoral candidate Global Circulation and Climate
Phd Candidate
B 421
Wave Driven Circulations
Scientific Programmer
B 417
SCLab Computational Infrastructure and Model Development Climate Surface Interaction
Research Scientist
B 415
Climate Physics Coordination
S 1.01
Climate Surface Interaction
B 406
Tropical Cloud Observations
B 402
Wave Driven Circulations
Group Leader
B 408
IMPRS doctoral candidate Global Circulation and Climate
Phd Candidate
B 421
IMPRS doctoral candidate Global Circulation and Climate
Phd Candidate
B 429
Climate Physics Coordination
B 413
Tropical Cloud Observations
Phd Candidate
Tropical Cloud Observations
Group Leader
B 402
Climate Surface Interaction
Group Leader
B 411
Stratospheric Forcing and Climate
Tropical Cloud Observations
G 1821
SCLab Computational Infrastructure and Model Development Global Circulation and Climate
B 426
Climate Physics Coordination
B 422
SCLab Computational Infrastructure and Model Development Tropical Cloud Observations
B 404
Climate Surface Interaction
B 406
Tropical Cloud Observations
B 403
Stratospheric Forcing and Climate
B 418
Climate Surface Interaction
B 419
Wave Driven Circulations
B 427
Climate Physics Coordination
B 422
Climate Surface Interaction
B 417
Global Circulation and Climate
Scientific Programmer
B 428
Global Circulation and Climate
Global Circulation and Climate
Research Scientist
B 231
Global Circulation and Climate
Group Leader
B 416
Climate Surface Interaction IMPRS doctoral candidate
Phd Candidate
B 424
Scale Interaction Modeling
Group Leader
B 430
Global Circulation and Climate
Student Helper
B 402
Tropical Cloud Observations
G 1811
Climate Physics Coordination
B 414
Climate Surface Interaction
Student Helper
Stratospheric Forcing and Climate
Group Leader
B 407
IMPRS doctoral candidate Wave Driven Circulations
Phd Candidate
B 424
Tropical Cloud Observations
Group Leader
B 431
Climate Surface Interaction
B 430
Tropical Cloud Observations
B 430
IMPRS doctoral candidate Climate Surface Interaction
Phd Candidate
B 429
  • Köhler, L., Windmiller, J., Baranowski, D., Brennek, M., Ciuryło, M., Hayo, L., Kȩpski, D., Kinne, S., Latos, B., Lobo, B., Marke, T., Nischik, T., Paul, D., Stammes, P., Szkop, A. & Tuinder, O. (2025). Calm ocean, stormy sea: atmospheric and oceanographic observations of the Atlantic during the Atlantic References and Convection (ARC) ship campaign. Earth System Science Data, 17(2), 633-659. doi:10.5194/essd-17-633-2025 [publisher-version]
  • Rackow, T., Pedruzo-Bagazgoitia, X., Becker, T., Milinski, S., Sandu, I., Aguridan, R., Bechtold, P., Beyer, S., Bidlot, J., Boussetta, S., Deconinck, W., Diamantakis, M., Dueben, P., Dutra, E., Forbes, R., Ghosh, R., Goessling, H., Hadade, I., Hegewald, J., Jung, T., Keeley, S., Kluft, L., Koldunov, N., Koldunov, A., Kölling, T., Kousal, J., Kühnlein, C., Maciel, P., Mogensen, K., Quintino, T., Polichtchouk, I., Reuter, B., Sármány, D., Scholz, P., Sidorenko, D., Streffing, J., Sützl, B., Takasuka, D., Tietsche, S., Valentini, M., Vannière, B., Wedi, N., Zampieri, L. & Ziemen, F. (2025). Multi-year simulations at kilometre scale with the Integrated Forecasting System coupled to FESOM2.5 and NEMOv3.4. Geoscientific Model Development, 18(1), 33-69. doi:10.5194/gmd-18-33-2025 [publisher-version]
  • Stephan, C. & Stevens, B. (2025). Dynamical imprints on precipitation cluster statistics across a hierarchy of high-resolution simulations. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 25, 1209-1226. doi:10.5194/acp-25-1209-2025 [publisher-version]
  • Winkler, M. (2025). Boundary layer wind balances and their influence on equatorial sea surface temperatures. Phd Thesis, Berichte zur Erdsystemforschung, 288. doi:10.17617/2.3639124 [publisher-version]
  • Achatz, U., Alexander, M., Becker, E., Chun, H.-Y., Dörnbrack, A., Holt, L., Plougonven, R., Polichtchouk, I., Sato, K., Sheshadri, A., Stephan, C., van Niekerk, A. & Wright, C. (2024). Atmospheric gravity waves: processes and parameterization. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 81, 237-262. doi:10.1175/JAS-D-23-0210.1 [publisher-version]
  • Andreasen, L., Cornér, J., Abbott, P., Sinclair, V., Riede, F. & Timmreck, C. (2024). Changes in Northern Hemisphere extra-tropical cyclone frequency following volcanic eruptions. Environmental research: climate, 3: 025002. doi:10.1088/2752-5295/ad2c0e [publisher-version]
  • Bao, J., Stevens, B., Kluft, L. & Muller, C. (2024). Intensification of tropical precipitation extremes from more organized convection. Science Advances, 10: eadj6801. doi:10.1126/sciadv.adj6801 [supplementary-material][publisher-version]
  • Barros, A., Becker, T., Cardenas, M., Davidson, E., Gruber, N., Hofmann, E., Hudson, M., llangasekare, T., Kang, S., Montanari, A., Moreno, M., Nimmo, F., Paxton, L., Primeau, F., Salters, V., Schimel, D., Stevens, B., Su, H., Tierney, J., Trumbore, S., Wuebbles, D., Zeitler, P., Zhang, B. & Zhang, X. (2024). Thank You to Our 2023 Peer Reviewers. AGU Advances, 5: e2024AV001290. doi:10.1029/2024AV001290 [publisher-version]
  • Bastin, S., Koldunov, A., Schütte, F., Gutjahr, O., Mrozowska, M., Fischer, T., Shevchenko, R., Kumar, A., Koldunov, N., Haak, H., Brüggemann, N., Hummels, R., Specht, M., Jungclaus, J., Danilov, S., Dengler, M. & Jochum, M. (2024). Sensitivity of the tropical Atlantic to vertical mixing in two ocean models (ICON-O v2.6.6 and FESOM v2.5) (open for discussions). doi:10.5194/egusphere-2024-2281 [Preprint] [pre-print]
  • Bauer, P., Hoefler, T., Stevens, B. & Hazeleger, W. (2024). Digital twins of Earth and the computing challenge of human interaction. Nature Computational Science, 4, 154-157. doi:10.1038/s43588-024-00599-3
  • Bonnet, P., Pastori, L., Schwabe, M., Giorgetta, M. & Iglesias-Suarez, F. (2024). Tuning a climate model with machine-learning based emulators and history matching (under open review). doi:10.5194/egusphere-2024-2508 [Preprint] [pre-print]
  • Brodowsky, C., Sukhodolov, T., Chiodo, G., Aquila, V., Bekki, S., Dhomse, S., Höpfner, M., Laakso, A., Mann, G., Niemeier, U., Pitari, G., Quaglia, I., Rozanov, E., Schmidt, A., Sekiya, T., Tilmes, S., Timmreck, C., Vattioni, S., Visioni, D., Yu, P., Zhu, Y. & Peter, T. (2024). Analysis of the global atmospheric background sulfur budget in a multi-model framework. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions, 24, 5513-5548. doi:10.5194/acp-24-5513-2024 [publisher-version]
  • Byrne, M., Hegerl, G., Scheff, J., Adam, O., Berg, A., Biasutti, M., Bordoni, S., Dai, A., Geen, R., Henry, M., Hill, S., Hohenegger, C., Humphrey, V., Joshi, M., Konings, A., Laguë, M., Lambert, F., Lehner, F., Mankin, J., McColl, K., McKinnon, K., Pendergrass, A., Pietschnig, M., Schmidt, L., Schurer, A., Scott, E., Sexton, D., Sherwood, S., Vargas Zeppetello, L. & Zhang, Y. (2024). Theory and the future of land-climate science. Nature Geoscience. doi:10.1038/s41561-024-01553-8
  • Ding, H., Dong, L., Liu, K., Lin, T., Xie, Z., Zhang, B. & Wang, X. (2024). Impacts of Greenland ice sheet on blocking in idealized simulations. Journal of Climate, 37(19), 4961-4987. doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-23-0229.1
  • Dorff, H., Konow, H., Schemann, V. & Ament, F. (2024). Observability of moisture transport divergence in Arctic atmospheric rivers by dropsondes. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 24, 8771-8795. doi:10.5194/acp-24-8771-2024 [publisher-version]
  • Dorff, H., Ewald, F., Konow, H., Mech, M., Ori, D., Schemann, V., Walbröl, A., Wendisch, M. & Ament, F. (2024). Moisture budget estimates derived from airborne observations in an Arctic atmospheric river during its dissipation (under open discussion for ACP). EGUsphere, . doi:10.5194/egusphere-2024-3632 [Preprint] [pre-print]
  • Fons, E., Naumann, A., Neubauer, D., Lang, T. & Lohmann, U. (2024). Investigating the sign of stratocumulus adjustments to aerosols in the ICON global storm-resolving model. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 24, 8653-8675. doi:10.5194/acp-24-8653-2024 [publisher-version]
  • Franke, H. (2024). The quasi-biennial oscillation in a warming climate. Phd Thesis, Berichte zur Erdsystemforschung, 278. [publisher-version]
  • Franke, H. & Giorgetta, M. (2024). Toward the direct simulation of the quasi-biennial oscillation in a global storm-resolving model. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 16: e2024MS004381. doi:10.1029/2024MS004381 [publisher-version][supplementary-material]
  • Günther, M. (2024). Asymmetries between the climate responses to CO2 and stratospheric aerosol forcing. Phd Thesis, Berichte zur Erdsystemforschung, 287. [publisher-version]
  • Günther, M., Schmidt, H., Timmreck, C. & Toohey, M. (2024). Why does stratospheric aerosol forcing strongly cool the warm pool?. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions, 24, 7203-7225. doi:10.5194/acp-24-7203-2024 [publisher-version]
  • Hazeleger, W., Aerts, J., Bauer, P., Bierkens, M., Camps-Valls, G., Dekker, M., Doblas-Reyes, F., Eyring, V., Finkenauer, C., Grundner, A., Hachinger, S., Hall, D., Hartmann, T., Iglesias-Suarez, F., Janssens, M., Jones, E., Kölling, T., Lees, M., Lhermitte, S., van Nieuwpoort, R., Pahker, A.-K., Pellicer-Valero, O., Pijpers, F., Siibak, A., Spitzer, J., Stevens, B., Vasconcelos, V. & Vossepoel, F. (2024). Digital twins of the Earth with and for humans. Communications Earth & Environment, 5: 463. doi:10.1038/s43247-024-01626-x [publisher-version][any-fulltext]
  • Hegde, R., Günther, M., Schmidt, H. & Kroll, C. (2024). Surface temperature dependence of stratospheric sulfate aerosol clear-sky forcing and feedback (under open discussion). EGUsphere, . doi:10.5194/egusphere-2024-2221 [Preprint] [pre-print][research-data]
  • Heuer, H., Schwabe, M., Gentine, P., Giorgetta, M. & Eyring, V. (2024). Interpretable multiscale machine learning-based parameterizations of convection for ICON. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 16: e2024MS004398. doi:10.1029/2024MS004398 [publisher-version]
  • Janssens, M., George, G., Schulz, H., Couvreux, F. & Bouniol, D. (2024). Shallow convective heating in weak temperature gradient balance explains mesoscale vertical motions in the trades. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 129: e2024JD041417. doi:10.1029/2024JD041417 [publisher-version][supplementary-material]
  • Kroll, C., Fueglistaler, S., Schmidt, H., Dauhut, T. & Timmreck, C. (2024). The impact of stratospheric aerosol heating on the frozen hydrometeor transport pathways in the tropical tropopause layer. Environmental Research Letters, 19: 044039. doi:10.1088/1748-9326/ad33d0 [supplementary-material][publisher-version]
  • Kroll, C. & Schmidt, A. (2024). Indirect stratospheric moisture increase after a Pinatubo-magnitude eruption can be comparable to direct increase after 2022 Hunga. Communications Earth & Environment, 5: 497. doi:10.1038/s43247-024-01651-w [publisher-version][any-fulltext]
  • Laakso, A., Visioni, D., Niemeier, U., Tilmes, S. & Kokkola, H. (2024). Dependency of the impacts of geoengineering on the stratospheric sulfur injection strategy – Part 2: How changes in the hydrological cycle depend on the injection rate and model used. Earth System Dynamics Discussions, 15, 405-427. doi:10.5194/esd-15-405-2024 [publisher-version]
  • Lee, J. & Hohenegger, Cathy (Climate Surface Interaction, Department Climate Physics, MPI for Meteorology, Max Planck Society), . (2024). Weaker land–atmosphere coupling in global storm-resolving simulation. PNAS, 121: 2314265121. doi:10.1073/pnas.2314265121 [publisher-version]
  • Meuer, J., Timmreck, C., Fang, S.-W. & Kadow, C. (2024). Fingerprints of past volcanic eruptions can be detected in historical climate records using machine learning. Communications Earth & Environment, 5: 455. doi:10.1038/s43247-024-01617-y [publisher-version][supplementary-material]
  • Morfa Avalos, Y. (2024). The role of inertia-gravity waves in the atmospheric energy spectrum: insights from global storm-resolving simulations. Phd Thesis, Berichte zur Erdsystemforschung, 276. doi:10.17617/2.3565958 [publisher-version]
  • Morr, A., Riechers, K., Gorjão, L. & Boers, N. (2024). Anticipating critical transitions in multidimensional systems driven by time- and state-dependent noise. Physical Review Research, 6: 033251. doi:10.1103/PhysRevResearch.6.033251 [publisher-version]
  • Naumann, A., Esch, M. & Stevens, B. (2024). How the representation of microphysical processes affects tropical condensate in a global storm-resolving model (open for discussion). Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. doi:10.5194/egusphere-2024-2268 [Preprint] [pre-print]
  • Nuijens, L., Wenegrat, J., Lopez Dekker, P., Pasquero, C., O'Neill, L., Ardhuin, F., Ayet, A., Bechtold, P., Bruch, W., Laurindo, L., Chen, X., Desbiolles, F., Foster, R., Frenger, I., George, G., Giese, R., Hayden, E., Hell, M., Iyer, S., Kousal, J., Laxague, N., Lenain, L., Pacheco, M., Meroni, A., Minobe, S., Muller, C., O'Driscoll, O., Oerder, V., Pizzo, N., Putrasahan, D., Redelsperger, J.-L., Renault, L., Rommen, B., Sauvage, C., Schneider, N., Shao, M., Siebesma, P., Small, J., Stevens, B., Stoffelen, A., Strobach, E., Sullivan, P., Thompson, E., Thompson, L., Uchoa, I., Vandemark, D., Villas Boas, B., Yang, B., Zhang, D. & Zippel, S. (2024). The Air-Sea Interaction (ASI) submesoscale: physics and impact. [publisher-version]
  • Paulus, F., Karalis, M., George, G., Svensson, G., Wendisch, M. & Neggers, R. (2024). Airborne measurements of mesoscale divergence at high latitudes during HALO-(AC)3. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 81(12), 2051-2067. doi:10.1175/JAS-D-24-0034.1 [publisher-version]
  • Prange, M., Stevens, B. & Buehler, S. (2024). Seasonal emergence and circulation coupling of moist layers over the tropical Atlantic. Geophysical Research Letters, 51(15): e2024GL108865. [publisher-version][supplementary-material]
  • Respati, M., Dommenget, D., Segura, H. & Stassen, C. (2024). Diagnosing drivers of tropical precipitation biases in coupled climate model simulations. Climate Dynamics. doi:10.1007/s00382-024-07355-3 [publisher-version][supplementary-material]
  • Römer, F., Buehler, S., Kluft, L. & Pincus, R. (2024). Effect of uncertainty in water vapor continuum absorption on CO2 forcing, longwave feedback, and climate sensitivity. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 16: e2023MS004157. doi:10.1029/2023MS004157 [publisher-version]
  • Römer, F. (2024). How water vapor shapes Earth's longwave climate feedback. Phd Thesis, Berichte zur Erdsystemforschung, 286. [publisher-version]
  • Schäfer, M., Wolf, K., Ehrlich, A., Jäkel, E., Luebke, A., Müller, J., Thoböll, J., Stevens, B. & Wendisch, M. (2024). Introduction to the new airborne thermal infrared imager VELOX for remote sensing of cloud and surface properties. AIP Conference Proceedings, 2988(Radiation Processes in the Atmosphere and Ocean): 050001. doi:10.1063/5.0183450 [publisher-version]
  • Schmidt, H., Rast, S., Bao, J., Fang, S.-W., Jiménez de la Cuesta Otero, D., Keil, P., Kluft, L., Kroll, C., Lang, T., Niemeier, U., Schneidereit , A., Williams , A. & Stevens, B. (2024). Effects of vertical grid spacing on the climate simulated in the ICON-Sapphire global storm-resolving model. Geoscientific Model Development, 17, 1563-1584. doi:10.5194/egusphere-2023-1575 [supplementary-material][publisher-version]
  • Schmidt, L. & Hohenegger, C. (2024). Precipitation enhancement over tropical land through the lens of the moisture-precipitation relationship. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society. doi:10.1002/qj.4838 [publisher-version]
  • Schmidt, L. (2024). On the partitioning of tropical precipitation between land and ocean. Phd Thesis, Berichte zur Erdsystemforschung, 282. [publisher-version]
  • Schnitt, S., Foth, A., Kalesse-Los, H., Mech, M., Acquistapace, C., Jansen, F., Löhnert, U., Pospichal, B., Röttenbacher, J., Crewell, S. & Stevens, B. (2024). Ground- and ship-based microwave radiometer measurements during EUREC4A. Earth System Science Data, 16, 681-700. doi:10.5194/essd-16-681-2024 [publisher-version]
  • Segura, H. & Hohenegger, C. (2024). How do the tropics precipitate? Daily variations in precipitation and cloud distribution. Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan, 102, 525-537. doi:10.2151/jmsj.2024-028 [publisher-version]
  • Sospedra-Alfonso, R., Merryfield, W., Toohey, M., Timmreck, C., Vernier, J.-P., Bethke, I., Wang, Y., Bilbao, R., Donat, M., Ortega, P., Cole, J., Lee, W.-S., Delworth, T., Paynter, D., Zeng, F., Zhang, L., Khodri, M., Mignot, J., Swingedouw, D., Torres, O., Hu, S., Man, W., Zuo, M., Hermanson, L., Smith, D., Kataoka, T. & Tatebe, H. (2024). Decadal prediction centers prepare for a major volcanic eruption. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 105(12), E2496 – E2524. doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-23-0111.1 [publisher-version]
  • Stevens, B., Adami, S., Ali, T., Anzt, H., Aslan, Z., Attinger, S., Bäck, J., Baehr, J., Bauer, P., Bernier, N., Bishop, B., Bockelmann, H., Bony, S., Bouchet, V., Brasseur, G., Bresch, D., Breyer, S., Brunet, G., Buttigieg, P., Cao, J., Castet, C., Cheng, Y., Dey Choudhury, A., Coen, D., Crewell, S., Dabholkar, A., Dai, Q., Doblas-Reyes, F., Durran, D., El Gaidi, A., Ewen, C., Exarchou, E., Eyring, V., Falkinhoff, F., Farrell, D., Forster, P., Frassoni, A., Frauen, C., Fuhrer, O., Gani, S., Gerber, E., Goldfarb, D., Grieger, J., Gruber, N., Hazeleger, W., Herken, R., Hewitt, C., Hoefler, T., Hsu, H.-H., Jacob, D., Jahn, A., Jakob, C., Jung, T., Kadow, C., Kang, I.-S., Kang, S., Kashinath, K., Kleinen-von Königslöw, K., Klocke, D., Kloenne, U., Klöwer, M., Kodama, C., Kollet, S., Kölling, T., Kontkanen, J., Kopp, S., Koran, M., Kulmala, M., Lappalainen, H., Latifi, F., Lawrence, B., Lee, J., Lejeun, Q., Lessig, C., Li, C., Lippert, T., Luterbacher, J., Manninen, P., Marotzke, J., Matsouoka, S., Merchant, C., Messmer, P., Michel, G., Michielsen, K., Miyakawa, T., Müller, J., Munir, R., Narayanasetti, S., Ndiaye, O., Nobre, C., Oberg, A., Oki, R., Özkan-Haller, T., Palmer, T., Posey, S., Prein, A., Primus, O., Pritchard, M., Pullen, J., Putrasahan, D., Quaas, J., Raghavan, K., Ramaswamy, V., Rapp, M., Rauser, F., Reichstein, M., Revi, A., Saluja, S., Satoh, M., Schemann, V., Schemm, S., Schnadt Poberaj, C., Schulthess, T., Senior, C., Shukla, J., Singh, M., Slingo, J., Sobel, A., Solman, S., Spitzer, J., Stier, P., Stocker, T., Strock, S., Su, H., Taalas, P., Taylor, J., Tegtmeier, S., Teutsch, G., Tompkins, A., Ulbrich, U., Vidale, P.-L., Wu, C.-M., Xu, H., Zaki, N., Zanna, L., Zhou, T. & Ziemen, F. (2024). Earth Virtualization Engines (EVE). Earth System Science Data, 16, 2113-2122. doi:10.5194/essd-16-2113-2024 [publisher-version]
  • Stevens, B. (2024). A perspective on the future of CMIP. AGU Advances, 5: e2023AV001086. doi:10.1029/2023AV001086 [publisher-version]
  • Stubenrauch, C., Kinne, S., Mandorli, G., Rossow, W., Winker, D., Ackerman, S., Chepfer, H., Di Girolamo, L., Garnier, A., Heidinger, A., Karlsson, K.-G., Meyer, K., Minnis, P., Platnick, S., Stengel, M., Sun-Mack, S., Veglio, P., Walther, A., Cai, X., Young, A. & Zhao, G. (2024). Lessons learned from the updated GEWEX cloud assessment database. Surveys in Geophysics: early access. doi:10.1007/s10712-024-09824-0 [publisher-version]
  • Takasuka, D., Satoh, M., Miyakawa, T., Kodama, C., Klocke, D., Stevens, B., Vidale, P. & Terai, C. (2024). A protocol and analysis of year-long simulations of global storm-resolving models and beyond. Progress in Earth and Planetary Science / Japan Geoscience Union (JpGU), 11: 66. doi:10.1186/s40645-024-00668-1 [publisher-version]
  • Timmreck, C., Olonscheck, D., Ballinger, A., D’Agostino, R., Fang, S.-W., Schurer, A. & Hegerl, G. (2024). Linearity of the climate response to increasingly strong tropical volcanic eruptions in a large ensemble framework. Journal of Climate, 37, 2455-2470. doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-23-0408.1 [supplementary-material]
  • Timmreck, C., D'Agostino, R., Fang, S.-W., Ballinger, A., Hegerl, G., Kang, S. & Olonscheck, D. (2024). Relative role of land and ocean in shaping tropical hydroclimate after large volcanic eruptions. . EGU General Assembly 2024. Wien. 2024-04-14 - 2024-04-19 doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu24-6543 [abstract]
  • van Dijk, E., Jungclaus, J., Sigl, M., Timmreck, C. & Krüger, K. (2024). High-frequency climate forcing causes prolonged cold periods in the Holocene. Communications Earth & Environment, 5: 242. doi:10.1038/s43247-024-01380-0 [publisher-version]
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