Library and Information Services for Earth System Research

a shared service facility of the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology (MPI-M) and the Center for Earth System Research and Sustainability (CEN) at the University of Hamburg

The library team supports scientists and students of the participating institutes, guests and the interested public by providing printed and electronic content with a focus on meteorology, climatology, oceanography, marine ecosystems, geophysics, biogeochemistry, fisheries science, earth system and environmental research.


Bundesstr. 53 (Ground Floor) 
D-20146 Hamburg
phone: +49 40 42838-5076

bis.erdsystem@we dont want


    Opening Hours
    Mo - Fr     9 am - 7 pm


We recommend these catalogs for your search on library holdings in Hamburg...

...and nationwide

Please contact the library team if you need literature for which no location is listed. We can get (almost) everything via interlibrary loan.


Various databases are available for a literature search for articles, which can be used from the local networks.

Additional resources can be located using the MPG.ReNa tracking tool.





The library offers access to various e-media. Please use the appropriate local reference systems.

Access to the full texts is possible through the local network. External access is possible for all employees through VPN, TravelMagic or BrowZine. Further information is available on the intranet.

Information on Scientific Publishing at our Institute

The institute has provided an uncomplicated internal workflow for all scientific authors. This can be viewed on our intranet.

In addition, the library provides support and advice on any questions that may arise, in particular on open access and its funding, research data, copyright, but also on any other problems that may come up during the publication process.

All publications from the institute are entered into the repository of the Max Planck Society (MPG.PuRe) and presented on the institute's website.

The Institute has established its own guideline on good scientific practice based on recommendations of the German Research Foundation (2019) and the Max Planck Society (2021) 

Detailed information


The Institute has created information on CC licenses + software licenses. Briefly and precisely, these are presented in a flyer with a focus on our subject area.

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Where do our scientific authors publish?

Most articles by MPI-M authors appear open access in these peer reviewed journals. The ranking of the last years is available internally

(1) Pure OA Journal (2) Subscription Journal, OA possible (3) Release of publisher's version on institutional repository after 6 months
Title ( Publisher) Open Access Central Payment
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (Copernicus) gold (1) X
Biogeosciences (Copernicus) gold X
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society (AMS) gold --
Climate Dynamics (Springer) hybrid (2) X
Climate of the Past (Copernicus) gold X
Earth System Dynamics (Copernicus) gold X
Earth System Science Data (Copernicus) gold X
Environmental Research Letters (IOP) gold X
Geophysical Research Letters (AGU / Wiley) gold (seit 2023) X
Geoscientific Model Development (Copernicus) gold X
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems (AGU / Wiley) gold X
Journal of Geophysical Research ( AGU / Wiley) hybrid / grün (3) X
Journal of Climate (AMS) hybrid / grün --
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences (AMS) hybrid / grün --
Nature (Springer Nature) hybrid X
Nature Communications (Springer Nature) gold X
Nature Climate Change (Springer Nature) gold X
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society (RMS) hybrid X

Library Team

Gisa Gudd

Librarian, Repository and Information Manager
Tel.: +49 40 41173-267
gisa.gudd@we dont want

Annika Hohn

Library and Information Science, B.A.
Tel.: +49 (0)40 42838-7003
annika.hohn@we dont want

Information Desk / Lending

Franziska Johanning
Antonia Kampmann

Tel.: +49 40 42838-5076
bis.erdsystem@we dont want

Please visit also:


OA Button

The Max Planck Society has been promoting Open Access (OA) since 2003 and is a co-initiator of the "Berlin Declaration on Public Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities". OA publications are centrally funded for MPS authors by various open access agreements. Further OA activities are locally supported via our document repository (MPG.PuRe)




The Library and Information Services is also the interface to the Max Planck Digital Library (MPDL) which is responsible for resources that are available to the entire MPG in addition to our local services. Please contact Gisa Gudd for more information.

More Content

News from the Institute

The cumulative knowledge from our institute in one place. Here we keep you up to date on current publications and research achievements, visualizations, events ...


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You are interested in the publications of our scientists? Then come along and visit...


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Job Opportunities

Our research requires us to seek out the most talented, creative and passionate individuals. This compels us to draw from the greatest possible pool of talent.


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