Structure and Support


The IMPRS-ESM Office team runs the daily affairs of the doctoral program.

We organize the annual selection procedure and assist new members during their starting phase in our PhD program. We oversee the progress of doctoral studies, offer administrative guidance to all our members, organize the curriculum as well as social activities.

The IMPRS-ESM Office serves as a link between doctoral candidates and the Executive Committee as well as to the Universität Hamburg and to administrative units of the City of Hamburg.

IMPRS-ESM Office services

You are a newly recruited doctoral candidate?

Welcome! We assist you to get started with your doctoral endeavor.

We give special attention to the assistance of foreign candidates, who may need to arrange for a visa before travelling to Germany, get residency in the City of Hamburg, a bank account, health insurance, and so forth. Newly admitted candidates may call upon Office support when looking for accommodation and finding their path through the university’s administrative jungle.

All IMPRS-ESM doctoral candidates participate in the Advisory Panel system. We oversee an early setup of individual Panels and supervise the routine throughout your doctorate. Experience shows that the Advisory Panel system ensures best possible support and academic supervision for our doctoral candidates. However, essential for the successful progress of the respective PhD study is an active use of the system inherent opportunities by each PhD candidate.

As IMPRS doctoral candidate you organize your courses, summer schools and retreats with help of the Office. The Office organizes the curriculum and the Office staff maintain the IMPRS-ESM academic calendar. PhD candidates may propose specific training opportunities to the Office or request filling gaps in the curriculum.

The Executive Committee approves proposed new academic training opportunities. The Office organizes the necessary steps to realize a training unit, including course evaluation and issuing certificates for successful participation.

IMPRS-ESM offers doctoral contracts to applicants who successfully pass the selection process. The amount of financial support is sufficient to make a basic living in Hamburg. Financial support is available for 3 years. The Executive Committee may grant a limited extension of an individual doctoral term, though exclusively based on accepted academic reasoning. The Office manages all issues related to financial support of doctoral candidates.

We help our international PhD candidates in finding a suitable, externally organized German language course. In-house English classes are available to all PhD candidates who wish to improve their English proficiency.

IMPRS-ESM recruited doctoral candidates are eligible to a small annual training and business travel budget (national and international). The use of these funds are depending on the agreement of the academic supervisors and the IMPRS-ESM.

The IMPRS-ESM Office serves as link between doctoral candidates and the academic staff of MPI-M and UHH. We serve as first address for PhD candidates' academic training questions, wishes and complaints.

Representatives are elected at regular intervals from among the doctoral candidates at the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology. The Office supports them to fulfil their role as spokespersons of the doctoral candidates and encourages external academic contacts for example to the Max Planck PhDnet, a network for all PhD candidates and PhD representatives within the Max Planck Society.

We also support PhD candidates as well as senior scientists who wish to offer a certain training unit to the IMPRS-ESM doctoral candidates, for example a special course, a seminar or other events. We also assist in case a PhD candidate – in agreement with the respective supervisor – is hosting a guest from an external research institute.

In Germany, a doctoral degree is awarded by a university exclusively. The IMPRS-ESM office offers support for the necessary administrative processes with the UHH administration. Attention: The implementation remains the responsibility of the PhD candidates.

The majority of IMPRS-ESM doctoral candidates earn their doctorate degree at the Universität Hamburg, either from the Department of Earth Sciences (Dr. rer. nat.) or the Department of Economics (Dr. rer. pol.).

Please read and pay attention to the doctoral regulations that are specific to your degree awarding institution.

The IMPRS-ESM exclusively offers a structured program that serves as academic support of doctoral candidates as well as an opportunity for further advancement of individual skills by following individually selected additional training during the doctoral term. Successful PhD candidates earn a certificate (with transcript) from the IMPRS-ESM.

Executive Committee and Management

The IMPRS-ESM Executive Committee (ExeCom) provides scientific direction to our PhD program and the Coordinator. The ExeCom makes all appropriate decisions regarding IMPRS-ESM affairs, such as the selection of doctoral candidates and the invitation of guests, the organization of courses and retreats. The ExeCom monitors quality and timely progress of individual doctoral studies, as well as the advanced academic training followed by each doctoral candidate during the doctoral term. The ExeCom takes responsibility for financial decisions and represents IMPRS-ESM to the public.

The IMPRS-ESM Executive Committee is composed of representatives of the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology (MPI-M) and of the cooperating partner institutes of the Universität Hamburg (UHH).

The Head of IMPRS-ESM is a director of the MPI-M, the Deputy Head is a professor of the participating UHH faculties. The ExeCom delegates tasks to the head of IMPRS-ESM as it deems appropriate.

Prof. Dr. Sarah M. Kang

Tel.: +49 (0)40 41173-437
sarah.kang@we dont want


Prof. Dr. Johanna Baehr                     

Deputy Head of IMPRS-ESM                          
Phone:       +49 40 42838-7736

Senior Scientists

Here we list senior scientists with an active role in IMPRS-ESM – either as advisor, lecturer and/or as member of the Executive Committee.

Name First name Email Institute Executive Committee
Ament Felix UHH  
Bader Jürgen MPI-M  
Baehr Johanna UHH, IfM Executive Committee
Bao Jiawei   ISTA, Austria  
Bieser Johannes Hereon  
Bister Marja University of Helsinki  
Borchert Leonard UHH, FNK  
Brovkin Victor MPI-M Executive Committee
Brüggemann Nils MPI-M  
Bühler Stefan UHH, MI Executive Committee
Chouksey Manita UHH, IfM  
De-Vrese Philipp MPI-M  
Drupp Moritz UHH, WiSo Executive Committee
Düsterhus Andre UHH, IfM  
Frajka-Williams Eleanor UHH, IfM Executive Committee
Giorgetta Marco MPI-M  
Goeckede Mathias MPI-BGC  
Greenberg David Hereon  
Held Hermann UHH  
Hohenegger Cathy MPI-M Executive Committee
Hort Matthias UHH Institut für Geophysik  
Ilyina Tatiana MPI-M, UHH  
Jantke Kerstin UHH, FNU  
Joachimski Michael GeoZentrum Nordbayern  
Jungclaus Johann MPI-M  
Kadow Christopher DKRZ  
Kang Sarah MPI-M Executive Committee
Kapsch Marie MPI-M  
Klocke Daniel MPI-M  
Konow Heike MPI-M  
Korn Peter MPI-M  
Landschützer Peter MPI-M  
Marotzke Jochem MPI-M Executive Committee
Matei Daniela MPI-M  
Mellado Juan Pedro UHH Executive Committee
Mikolajewicz Uwe MPI-M  
Mueller Wolfgang MPI-M  
Naumann Ann Kristin MPI-M  
Niemeier Ulrike MPI-M  
Notz Dirk UHH, IfM  
Perino Grischa UHH, WiSo Executive Committee
Putrasahan Dian MPI-M  
Schannwell Clemens MPI-M  
Schmidt Hauke MPI-M  
Schmiedl Gerhard UHH Geologisch Paläontologisches Institut  
Schneider Uwe UHH Sustainability and Global Change Executive Committee
Shokri Nima TUHH Institute of Geo-Hydroinformatics  
Sillmann Jana CLICCS Executive Committee
Stevens Bjorn MPI-M Executive Committee
Suarez Laura MPI-M  
Timmreck Claudia MPI-M  
Toohey Matthew University of Saskatchewan Institute of Space and Atmospheric Studies  
Voelker Georg Universität Frankfurt Institut für Atmosphäre und Umwelt  
Vogel Raphaela UHH, MI  
von Storch Jin-Song MPI-M Executive Committee
Weisse Ralf Hereon  
Žagar Nedjeljka UHH, MI  

CLICCS Cluster of Excellence „Climate, Climatic Change, and Society“
DKRZ German Climate Computing Center
FNK Research unit Sustainability and Climate Risks
Hereon Helmholtz Center Hereon
IfM Institute of Oceanography
MI Meteorological Institute
MPI-BGC Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry
MPI-M Max Planck Institute for Meteorology
UHH Universität Hamburg
WiSo Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences


Dr. Florian Mundt

Coordinator of IMPRS-ESM
Phone: +49 (0)40 41173-459

Cornelia Kampmann

Phone: +49 (0)40 41173-467

Michaela Born

Phone: +49 (0)40 41173-154
office.imprs@we dont want

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