New study sinks an old theory for low-wind equatorial regions
MPI-M-researcher Julia Windmiller overturns a textbook explanation for the low wind speeds that tormented sailing ships in the tropics: Rather than…
ORCESTRA: Half-time for the tropical cloud experiment
MPI-M researchers and their partner institutions are currently performing atmospheric measurements over the equatorial Atlantic with eight coordinated…
Moritz Günther starts postdoctoral position in the German-Israeli Max Planck-Weizmann Programme
The Max Planck Institute for Meteorology (MPI-M) is pleased to announce that Moritz Günther has started a 4-year postdoctoral position in the…
WASCAL Master's Students Attend ORCESTRA Campaign on Climate Research
Five master's students from Ghana, Senegal, Nigeria, Benin, and Guinea, participating in the WASCAL program, had the unique opportunity to gain…
In years to come, the Arctic Ocean will absorb less CO2 than expected
We humans benefit from the oceans’ tremendous capacity to absorb greenhouse gases. Due to the low temperature of the water, the Arctic Ocean absorbs…
Summer research and discoveries: International Visiting Scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology in Hamburg
It’s not just the people of Hamburg and the many tourists who know that Hamburg is particularly beautiful in the summer. The Max Planck Institute for…
Our Research
Revisiting the Blue Marble: ICON simulating the coupled climate system at 1 km
The early 1970s is often associated with the birth of the modern environmental movement. In 1970 the first Earth day was celebrated, and Greenpeace was founded in 1971. In March 1972 the Club of Rome published its influential report entitled the “limits of growth”. The growing environmental consciousness was ...
The International Max Planck Research School on Earth System Modelling
The International Max Planck Research School on Earth System Modelling (IMPRS-ESM) offers a structured, interdisciplinary and international program for graduate students who want to earn a PhD degree. The main focus of our doctoral program is to advance our understanding of processes and dynamics in the Earth system as well as our prediction skills.