News from the Institute

The research vessel Maria S. Merian on the open sea, photographed from above. A balloon with a radiosonde rises into the sky at the stern.

Proposal for an improved handling of ship-based data

Transparent processing of research data facilitates scientific work and serves scientific goals in the long term. Using data collected during a…

First-time explicit simulation of a tropical wind system in the upper atmosphere

A wind system in the tropical stratosphere that can influence the seasonal weather along many latitudes – the quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO) –…

Two hands are holding a globe with five marked locations.

How to make climate adaptation a success

Climate change is forcing people to adapt to changing environmental conditions. But what really makes the difference is how they do it. The recently…

New study sinks an old theory for low-wind equatorial regions

MPI-M-researcher Julia Windmiller overturns a textbook explanation for the low wind speeds that tormented sailing ships in the tropics: Rather than…

In years to come, the Arctic Ocean will absorb less CO2 than expected

We humans benefit from the oceans’ tremendous capacity to absorb greenhouse gases. Due to the low temperature of the water, the Arctic Ocean absorbs…

Volcanic eruption with towering ash cloud, forest and road in the foreground

Why stratospheric aerosol disproportionately cools the Indian and western Pacific Ocean

In a new study Moritz Günther, Hauke Schmidt, Claudia Timmreck, and Matthew Toohey show how aerosol perturbations in the stratosphere lead to a…

Why is climate stochastic?

A time series of a climate variable often resembles a random sequence. This apparent randomness is generally attributed to the unpredictable and…

eroding permafrost cliffs

Climate change amplified by permafrost cloud feedback

Researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology shed light on what may happen if the frozen soils thaw in response to global heating.…

Figure 1: Observed of sea surface temperatures trends from 1979-2022 in degrees Celsius per decade.

Changes to the Warming Pattern in the Tropical Pacific

The Earth is rapidly warming in response to human-induced greenhouse gas emissions. The warming is however not uniform, with some areas of the Earth…

Linear climate response to idealized tropical volcanic eruptions

In a new study, Dr. Claudia Timmreck, Dr. Dirk Olonscheck and Dr. Shih-Wei Fang from the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, together with…

A new mechanism for synchronising Heinrich events with Dansgaard-Oeschger cycles

The northern hemisphere climate during the last glacial period (about 65,000-15,000 years before present) was dominated by two prominent signals of…

Ocean CO2 measurements: a single sailboat yacht makes a difference

Have you ever wondered how much a single measurement campaign matters when estimating the ocean's carbon sink? In a study published recently in…

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