Jakob Deutloff

Department Climate Physics IMPRS
Group IMPRS doctoral candidate Drivers of Tropical Circulation
Position Phd Candidate
phone +49 40 41173
Email jakob.deutloff@mpimet.mpg.de
Room B 424

Research Interests

Tropical high clouds are characterised by a near-neutral radiative effect, since reflection of short-wave solar radiation is balanced by absorption and re-emission of long-wave terrestrial radiation. However, this balance might change with ongoing global warming, which would cause a feedback effect of tropical high clouds, either amplifying or reducing global warming. 

Components and subsystems of the Earth system are expected to undergo abrupt and irreversible changes once global warming has crossed their specific threshold temperature, with negative consequences for human wellbeing. The scientific debate of such climate tipping points is burdened with high uncertainties, since current climate models are mostly not resolving them and evidence must be collected from different sources, including observations, paleoclimatic records and conceptual models. 

Curriculum Vitae


2023 - today PhD candidate at the Universität Hamburg within the IMPRS-ESM graduate school 



2020-2023 Universität Hamburg (Integrated Climate System Sciences - M.Sc.) 

2021-2022 University of Exeter (Erasmus Exchange) 

2017 - 2020 Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel (Physics of the Earth System - B.Sc.) 


Deutloff, J. E., Held, H., and Lenton, T. M. (2023): The risky middle of the road – probabilities of triggering climate tipping points and how they increase due to tipping points within the Earth’s carbon cycle, EGUsphere [preprint], https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-2023-1469 

Master's Thesis 

Deutloff, J. E. (2023): Climate Tipping Points - Assessing the Probabilities of Triggering Them and the Amplification of Global Warming from Tipping Points within the Earth’s Carbon Cycle. Supervision: Professor Dr Timothy Lenton, Professor Dr Hermann Held 

Bachelor's Thesis

Deutloff, J.E. (2020): Drivers of Climate-Model Biases in Antarctic Circumpolar Current Strength. Supervision: Professor Dr Joakim Kjellsson, Dr Torge Martin