Vibrant green and red tones blend together, revealing the vortical motion in the ocean’s uppermost layer.

CELLO Conference, Hamburg, September 2025

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Waves on a beach at the North Sea, the sky is overcast.

Weaker ocean circulation could cost trillions

A major motor for the global climate is beginning to falter: a massive system of ocean currents called the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation…

Graphical representation of the strengthening (left) and weakening (right) of the Walker circulation, with English labeling

Study explains unexpected recent strengthening of the Walker circulation

The Walker circulation, an atmospheric circulation pattern in the tropics, has accelerated in recent years, puzzling climate scientists who had…

An image of the Amazon rainforest, the bottom is completely covered with green tree tops, above are dense clouds. One cloud emerges from the green canopy.

Amazon rainforest more resilient than assumed

New evidence suggests that mean annual precipitation in the Amazon region is not going to change significantly even if it were completely deforested.…

The research vessel Maria S. Merian on the open sea, photographed from above. A balloon with a radiosonde rises into the sky at the stern.

Proposal for an improved handling of ship-based data

Transparent processing of research data facilitates scientific work and serves scientific goals in the long term. Using data collected during a…

A supercomputer at Forschungszentrum Jülich, blue lighting enhances the spectacular appearance of the computer.

MPI-M to be one of the first users of Europe's fastest supercomputer JUPITER

One of the first applications on the new exascale computer JUPITER at Forschungszentrum Jülich will be high-resolution simulations of the climate…

Prof. Guy Brasseur in front of the historical museum of the meteorological service in Shanghai (Photo: private)

Guy Brasseur honored with the AGU Kaufman Prize

In recognition of his commitment to international scientific collaboration, the American Geophysical Union honored Guy Brasseur with the Kaufman…

Our Research

Revisiting the Blue Marble: ICON simulating the coupled climate system at 1 km

The early 1970s is often associated with the birth of the modern environmental movement. In 1970 the first Earth day was celebrated, and Greenpeace was founded in 1971. In March 1972 the Club of Rome published its influential report entitled the “limits of growth”. The growing environmental consciousness was ...

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The International Max Planck Research School on Earth System Modelling

The International Max Planck Research School on Earth System Modelling (IMPRS-ESM) offers a structured, interdisciplinary and international program for graduate students who want to earn a PhD degree. The main focus of our doctoral program is to advance our understanding of processes and dynamics in the Earth system as well as our prediction skills.

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About our institute

We are an internationally renowned institute for climate research. Our mission is to understand Earth's changing climate.

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Nobel Prize in Physics 2021 for Prof. Klaus Hasselmann

The statistical model with which global warming can be attributed to increasing concentrations of CO2 in the atmosphere was developed by Klaus Hasselmann, former director of the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology. He received the Nobel Prize in Physics for his work.

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Our institute as an attractive employer

Our research requires us to seek out the most talented, creative and passionate individuals. This compels us to draw from the greatest possible pool of talent.

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08:00–18:00 h
Bundesstr. 53, room 022/023
Joint Seminar
13:30–14:30 h
Bundesstr. 53, room 022/023
Joint Seminar
15:15 h
Bundesstr. 53, room 022/023
Antoine Leblond
Hans Segura
Joint Seminar
13:30–14:30 h
Bundesstr. 53, room 022/023
Lukas Brunner
Joint Seminar
15:15–16:15 h
Bundesstr. 53, room 022/023
Closed Event
08:00–18:00 h
Bundesstr. 53, room 022/023
Yechul Shin
Joint Seminar
15:15–16:15 h
Bundesstr. 53, room 022/023
Moritz Günther
Joint Seminar
13:30–14:30 h
Bundesstr. 53, room 022/023

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