Oliver Gutjahr

Abteilung Klimavariabilität
Gruppe Forschungsgruppe des Direktors (CVR)
Position Research Scientist
Telefon +49 40 41173-153
Email oliver.gutjahr@mpimet.mpg.de
Raum B 213

Wissenschaftliche Interessen

  • Polare Ozeanographie und Meteorologie
  • Polartiefs und mesoskalige Windsysteme in der Arktis und deren Randmeere
  • Meereisrinnen und Polynjen
  • AMOC und Tiefenwasserbildung

Mehr erfahren


EPOC - Explaining and predicting the ocean conveyor (2023-present)


  • Brüggemann, N., Losch, M., Scholz, P., Pollmann, F., Danilov, S., Gutjahr, O., Jungclaus, J., Koldunov, N., Korn, P., Olbers, D. & Eden, C. (2024). Parameterized internal wave mixing in three ocean general circulation models. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 16: e2023MS003768. doi:10.1029/2023MS003768 [research-data][publisher-version]
  • Gutjahr, O. & Mehlmann, C. (2024). Polar lows and their effects on sea ice and the upper ocean in the Iceland, Greenland and Labrador Seas. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 129: e2023JC020258. doi:10.1029/2023JC020258 [supplementary-material][publisher-version]
  • Akperov, M., Eliseev, A., Rinke, A., Mokhov, l., Semenov, V., Dembitskaya, M., Matthes, H., Adakudlu, M., Boberg, F., Christensen, J., Dethloff, K., Fettweis, X., Gutjahr, O., Heinemann, G., Koenigk, T., Sein, D., Laprise, R., Mottram, R., Nikiéma, O., Soþolowski, S., Winger, K. & Zhang, W. (2023). Future project¡ons of wind energy potentials in the Arctic for the 21st century under the RCP8.5 scenario from regional climate models (Arctic-CORDEX). Anthropocene, 44: 100402 .
  • Hohenegger, C., Korn, P., Linardakis, L., Redler, R., Schnur, R., Adamidis, P., Bao, J., Bastin, S., Behravesh, M., Bergemann, M., Biercamp, J., Bockelmann, H., Brokopf, R., Brüggemann, N., Casaroli, L., Chegini, F., Datseris, G., Esch, M., George, G., Giorgetta, M., Gutjahr, O., Haak, H., Hanke, M., Ilyina, T., Jahns, T., Jungclaus, J., Kern, M., Klocke, D., Kluft, L., Kölling, T., Kornblueh, L., Kosukhin, S., Kroll, C., Lee, J., Mauritsen, T., Mehlmann, C., Mieslinger, T., Naumann, A., Paccini, L., Peinado, A., Praturi, D., Putrasahan, D., Rast, S., Riddick, T., Roeber, N., Schmidt, H., Schulzweida, U., Schütte, F., Segura, H., Shevchenko, R., Singh, V., Specht, M., Stephan, C., von Storch, J., Vogel, R., Wengel, C., Winkler, M., Ziemen, F., Marotzke, J. & Stevens, B. (2023). ICON-Sapphire: simulating the components of the Earth System and their interactions at kilometer and subkilometer scales. Geoscientific Model Development, 16, 779-811. doi:10.5194/gmd-16-779-2023 [publisher-version]
  • Gutjahr, O., Jungclaus, J., Brüggemann , N., Haak, H. & Marotzke, J. (2022). Air-sea interactions and water mass transformation during a katabatic storm in the Irminger Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 127: e2021JC018075. doi:10.1029/2021JC018075 [publisher-version][supplementary-material]
  • Jungclaus, J., Lorenz, S., Schmidt, H., Brovkin, V., Brüggemann, N., Chegini, F., Crueger, T., de Vrese, P., Gayler, V., Giorgetta, M., Gutjahr, O., Haak, H., Hagemann , S., Hanke, M., Ilyina, T., Korn, P., Kröger, J., Linardakis, L., Mehlmann, C., Mikolajewicz, U., Müller, W., Nabel, J., Notz, D., Pohlmann, H., Putrasahan, D., Raddatz, T., Ramme, L., Redler, R., Reick, C., Riddick, T., Sam, T., Schneck, R., Schnur, R., Schupfner, M., von Storch, J.-S., Wachsmann, F., Wieners, K.-H., Ziemen, F., Stevens, B., Marotzke, J. & Claussen, M. (2022). The ICON Earth System Model Version 1.0. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 14: e2021MS002813. doi:10.1029/2021MS002813 [publisher-version]
  • Korn, P., Brüggemann, N., Jungclaus, J., Lorenz, S., Gutjahr, O., Haak, H., Linardakis, L., Mehlmann, C., Mikolajewicz, U., Notz, D., Putrasahan, D., Singh, V., von Storch, J.-S., Zhu , X. & Marotzke, J. (2022). ICON-O: The Ocean Component of the ICON Earth System Model - Global simulation characteristics and local telescoping capability. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 14: e2021MS002952. doi:10.1029/2021MS002952 [publisher-version]
  • Mehlmann, C. & Gutjahr, O. (2022). Discretization of sea ice dynamics in the tangent plane to the sphere by a CD-grid-type finite element. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 14: e2022MS003010. doi:10.1029/2022MS003010 [publisher-version]
  • Moreno-Chamarro, E., Caron, L.-P., Loosveldt Tomas, S., Vegas-Regidor, J., Gutjahr, O., Moine, M.-P., Putrasahan, D., Roberts, C., Roberts, M., Senan, R., Terray, L., Tourigny, E. & Vidale, P. (2022). Impact of increased resolution on long-standing biases in HighResMIP-PRIMAVERA climate models. Geoscientific Model Development, 15, 269-289. doi:10.5194/gmd-15-269-2022 [publisher-version][supplementary-material]
  • Gutjahr, O., Brüggemann , N., Haak, H., Jungclaus, J., Putrasahan, D., Lohmann, K. & von Storch, J.-S. (2021). Comparison of ocean vertical mixing schemes in the Max Planck Institute Earth System Model (MPI-ESM1.2). Geoscientific Model Development, 14, 2317-2349. doi:10.5194/gmd-14-2317-2021 [supplementary-material][publisher-version]
  • Koenigk, T., Fuentes-Franco, R., Meccia, V., Gutjahr, O., Jackson, L., New, A., Ortega, P., Roberts, C., Roberts, M., Arsouze, T., Iovino, D., Moine, M.-P. & Sein, D. (2021). Deep mixed ocean volume in the Labrador Sea in HighResMIP models. Climate Dynamics, 57, 1895-1918. doi:10.1007/s00382-021-05785-x [publisher-version]
  • Lohmann, K., Putrasahan, D., von Storch, J.-S., Gutjahr, O., Jungclaus, J. & Haak, H. (2021). Response of northern North Atlantic and Atlantic meridional overturning circulation to reduced and enhanced wind stress forcing. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 126: e2021JC017902. doi:10.1029/2021JC017902 [supplementary-material][publisher-version]
  • Putrasahan, D., Gutjahr, O., Haak, H., Jungclaus, J., Lohmann, K., Roberts, M. & von Storch, J.-S. (2021). Effect of resolving ocean eddies on the transient response of global mean surface temperature to abrupt 4xCO2 forcing. Geophysical Research Letters, 48: e2020GL092049. doi:10.1029/2020GL092049 [any-fulltext][supplementary-material][publisher-version]
  • Roberts, M., Jackson, L., Roberts, C., Meccia, V., Docquier, D., Koenigk, T., Ortega, P., Moreno-Chamarro, E., Bellucci, A., Coward, A., Drijfhout, S., Exarchou, E., Gutjahr, O., Hewitt, H., Iovino, D., Lohmann, K., Putrasahan, D., Schiemann, R., Seddon, J., Terray, L., Xu, X., Zhang, Q., Chang, P., Yeager, S., Castruccio, F., Zhang, S. & Wu, L. (2020). Sensitivity of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation to model resolution in CMIP6 HighResMIP simulations and implications for future changes. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 12: e2019MS002014. doi:10.1029/2019MS002014 [publisher-version][supplementary-material]
  • Akperov, M., Rinke, A., Mokhov, I., Semenov, V., Parfenova, M., Matthes, H., Adakudlu, M., Boberg, F., Christensen, J., Dembitskaya, M., Dethloff, K., Fettweis, X., Gutjahr, O., Heinemann, G., Koenigk, T., Koldunov, N., Laprise, R., Mottram, R., Nikiéma, O., Sein, D., Sobolowski, S., Winger, K. & Zhang, W. (2019). Future projections of cyclone activity in the Arctic for the 21st century from regional climate models (Arctic-CORDEX). Global and Planetary Change, 182: 103005. doi:10.1016/j.gloplacha.2019.103005
  • Gutjahr, O., Putrasahan, D., Lohmann, K., Jungclaus, J., von Storch, J.-S., Brüggemann , N., Haak, H. & Stoessel, A. (2019). Max Planck Institute Earth System Model (MPI-ESM1.2) for High-Resolution Model Intercomparison Project (HighResMIP). Geoscientific Model Development, 12, 3241-3281. doi:10.5194/gmd-12-3241-2019 [publisher-version]
  • Putrasahan, D., Lohmann, K., von Storch, J.-S., Jungclaus, J., Gutjahr, O. & Haak, H. (2019). Surface flux drivers for the slowdown of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation in a high resolution global coupled climate model. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 11, 1349-1363. doi:10.1029/2018MS001447 [supplementary-material][publisher-version]
  • Akperov, M., Rinke, A., Mokhov, I., Matthes, H., Semenov, V., Adakudlu, M., Cassano, J., Christensen, J., Dembitskaya, M., Dethloff, K., Fettweis, X., Glisan, J., Gutjahr, O., Heinemann, G., Koenigk, T., Koldunov, N., Laprise, R., Mottram, R., Nikiéma, O., Scinocca, J., Sein, D., Sobolowski, S., Winger, K. & Zhang, W. (2018). Cyclone activity in the Arctic from an ensemble of regional climate models (Arctic CORDEX). Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres, 123, 2537-2554. doi:10.1002/2017JD027703 [publisher-version]
  • Gutjahr, O. & Heinemann , G. (2018). A model-based comparison of extreme winds in the Arctic and around Greenland. International Journal of Climatology, 38, 5272-5292. doi:10.1002/joc.5729 [publisher-version]
  • Reiter, P., Gutjahr, O., Schefczyk, L., Heinemann, G. & Casper, M. (2018). Does applying quantile mapping to subsamples improve the bias correction of daily precipitation?. International Journal of Climatology, 38, 1623-1633. doi:10.1002/joc.5283
  • Toelle, M., Schefczyk, L. & Gutjahr, O. (2018). Scale dependency of regional climate modeling of current and future climate extremes in Germany. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 134, 829-848. doi:10.1007/s00704-017-2303-6 [publisher-version]
  • Janout, M., Hölemann, J., Timokhov, L., Gutjahr, O. & Heinemann, G. (2017). Circulation in the northwest Laptev Sea in the eastern Arctic Ocean: Crossroads between Siberian River water, Atlantic water and polynya-formed dense water. Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans, 122, 6630-6647. doi:10.1002/2017JC013159 [publisher-version]
  • Kohnemann, S., Heinemann, G., Bromwich, D. & Gutjahr, O. (2017). Extreme warming in the Kara Sea and Barents Sea during the winter period 2000-16. Journal of Climate, 30, 8913-8927. doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-16-0693.1 [publisher-version]
  • Rockel, B., Brauch, J., Gutjahr, O., Akhtar, N. & Ho-Hagemann T. M., H. (2017). Gekoppelte Modellsysteme: Atmosphäre und Ozean. Promet, 99, 65-75. [publisher-version]
  • Gutjahr, O., Heinemann, G., Preusser, A., Willmes, S. & Druee, C. (2016). Quantification of ice production in Laptev Sea polynyas and its sensitivity to thin-ice parameterizations in a regional climate model. The Cryosphere, 10, 2999-3019. doi:10.5194/tc-10-2999-2016 [publisher-version]
  • Gutjahr, O., Schefczyk, L., Reiter, P. & Heinemann, G. (2016). Impact of the horizontal resolution on the simulation of extremes in COSMO-CLM. Meteorologische Zeitschrift, 25, 543-562. doi:10.1127/metz/2016/0638 [publisher-version]
  • Reiter, P., Gutjahr, O., Schefczyk, L., Heinemann, G. & Casper, M. (2016). Bias correction of ENSEMBLES precipitation data with focus on the effect of the length of the calibration period. Meteorologische Zeitschrift, 25, 85-96. doi:10.1127/metz/2015/0714 [publisher-version]
  • Paul, S., Willmes, S., Gutjahr, O., Preusser, A. & Heinemann, G. (2015). Spatial feature reconstruction of cloud-covered areas in daily MODIS composites. Remote Sensing, 7, 5042-5056. doi:10.3390/rs70505042 [publisher-version]
  • Prein, A., Langhans, W., Fosser, G., Andrew, F., Ban, N., Goergen, K., Keller, M., Tölle, M., Gutjahr, O., Feser, F., Brisson, E., Kollet, S., Schmidli, J., van Lipzip, N. & Leung, L. (2015). A review on convection permitting climate modeling : demonstrations, prospects, and challenges. Reviews of Geophysics, 53, 323-361 . doi:10.1002/2014RG000475 [publisher-version]
  • Tölle , M., Gutjahr, O., Busch, G. & Thiele, J. (2014). Increasing bioenergy production on arable land: Does the regional and local climate respond? Germany as a case study. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 119, 2711-2724. doi:10.1002/2013JD020877 [publisher-version]
  • Gutjahr, O. & Heinemann, G. (2013). Comparing precipitation bias correction methods for high-resolution regional climate simulations using COSMO-CLM. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 114, 511-529. doi:10.1007/s00704-013-0834-z
  • Casper, M., Grigoryan, G., Gronz, O., Gutjahr, O., Heinemann, G., Ley, R. & Rock, A. (2012). Analysis of projected hydrological behavior of catchments based on signature indices. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 16, 409-421. doi:10.5194/hess-16-409-2012 [publisher-version]

Mitgliedschaft in wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaften

Wissenschaftliche Netzwerke

Gutachter für folgende Zeitschriften

Nature, Geophysical Research Letters, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, Climate Dynamics, International Journal of Climatology, Pure and Applied Geophysics, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences