Joint Seminar: Deep Ocean Memory: 1 Million Years of Insights into Water Mass Exchange from εNd in the South Atlantic

Reconstructing past ocean circulation from climate archives is a challenging task, yet crucial to understand the complexity of the Earth’s climate system.

Authigenic neodymium isotopes (εNd) preserved in the coatings of deep sea sediment particles have proven valuable for studying the past deep ocean circulation and water mass provenance. However, globally, high resolution εNd records extending far back in time are scarce.

The here presented unique data from a site south of the Polar Front spans back to the Mid Pleistocene Transition at millennial resolution. The isotopic signature shows great variability synchronous with the global climate and provides an important benchmark for the Atlantic Southern Ocean circulation. This work highlights the complex interplay of advective and diffusive processes influencing εNd signatures and likely the entire Atlantic Southern Ocean. Furthermore, it offers insights in the Atlantic wide deep water exchange over the past one million years.

In summary, the new findings take us one step further in the applicability of εNd as a water mass tracer as a new tool to evaluate the interhemispheric deep water mass exchange in the past.




15:15 h


Bundesstr. 53, room 022/023
Seminar Room 022/023, Ground Floor, Bundesstrasse 53, 20146 Hamburg, Hamburg


Tatiana Ilyina
