KlimaCampus Kolloquium: It’s all about snow: What can we learn from local snow properties for large-scale Antarctic ice pack volume?
Snow on sea ice is a crucial climate variable, affecting energy and momentum exchanges across the atmosphere-ice-ocean interfaces and contributing to the sea ice mass budget. The year-round snow cover on Antarctic sea ice prevents summer surface melt and promotes ice growth through snow-to-ice conversion. However, limited knowledge of seasonal stratigraphy and large-scale snow depth causes significant uncertainties in satellite data and climate models.
The Young Investigator Group SNOWflAke, a joint research group between the University of Hamburg and the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research (AWI), aims to test the hypothesis that seasonal variations in Antarctic snowpack properties are indicators of atmospheric changes and could trigger snow-albedo feedbacks, accelerating sea ice melt and retreat. This research will develop techniques to create comprehensive snow and sea ice datasets, improve snow parameterization for satellite data, and enhance snow models to reduce uncertainties in sea ice predictions. These efforts will provide insights into Antarctic sea ice changes and snow's role as a climate change indicator.
15:15 h
- Bundesstr. 53, room 022/023
- Seminar Room 022/023, Ground Floor, Bundesstrasse 53, 20146 Hamburg, Hamburg