Joint Seminar: Vertical motions inside convection analyzed from EarthCARE satellite Cloud Radar observations and an 870 m mesh NICAM simulation

The newly launched EarthCARE satellite, equipped with the first-ever space-borne Doppler radar via the Cloud Profiling Radar (CPR), provides unprecedented insights into the mesoscale circulation structures within convective clouds. Complementing these observations, global kilometer-scale atmospheric simulations with a horizontal mesh size of 870 m and 3.5 km using NICAM reproduce cross-sectional views of convective systems that closely match those of the EarthCARE's observations. The NICAM simulation data offer a detailed time evolution of the three-dimensional structure of mesoscale convective systems, enabling a detailed analysis of convective dynamics. By generating EarthCARE-CPR-like signals from the NICAM data, key characteristics of vertical motions inside convection are extracted and analyzed. By this approach, we will identify vertical updrafts and downdrafts of hydrometeors and their mass transports from EarthCARE observations. These findings highlight the synergy between advanced satellite observations and high-resolution numerical simulations, offering new avenues for improving our understanding of convective processes and their representation in weather and climate models.

This study is conducted in collaboration with Woosub Roh, Shuhei Matsugishi, Shunseki Aoki, Takuji Kubota, and Hajime Okamoto.




15:15 h


Bundesstr. 53, room 022/023
Seminar Room 022/023, Ground Floor, Bundesstrasse 53, 20146 Hamburg, Hamburg


Chao Li
