Publikationen aus dem Max-Planck-Institut für Meteorologie

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  • Stephan, C. & Stevens, B. (2025). Dynamical imprints on precipitation cluster statistics across a hierarchy of high-resolution simulations. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 25, 1209-1226. doi:10.5194/acp-25-1209-2025 [publisher-version]
  • Moreno-Chamarro, E., Arsouze, T., Acosta, M., Bretonnière, P.-A., Castrillo, M., Ferrer, E., Frigola, A., Kuznetsova, D., Martin-Martinez, E., Ortega, P. & Palomas, S. (2025). The very-high resolution configuration of the EC-Earth global model for HighResMIP. Geoscientific Model Development, 18, 461-482. doi:10.5194/gmd-18-461-2025 [publisher-version]
  • Dunkl, I., Bastos, A. & Ilyina, T. (2025). Compensatory effects conceal large uncertainties in the modelled processes behind the relationship between the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and CO2. Earth System Dynamics, 16(1), 151-167. doi:10.5194/esd-16-151-2025 [publisher-version]
  • Aalto, T., Tsuruta, A., Mäkelä, J., Mueller, J., Tenkanen, M., Burke, E., Chadburn, S., Gao, Y., Mannisenaho, V., Kleinen, T., Lee, H., Leppänen, A., Markkanen, T., Materia, S., Miller, P., Peano, D., Peltola, O., Poulter, B., Raivonen, M., Saunois, M., Wårlind, D. & Zaehle, S. (2025). Air temperature and precipitation constraining the modelled wetland methane emissions in a boreal region in Northern Europe. Biogeosciences, 22(1), 323-340. doi:10.5194/bg-22-323-2025 [publisher-version]
  • Zhang, Z., Poulter, B., Melton, J., Riley, W., Allen, G., Beerling, D., Bousquet, P., Canadell, J., Fluet-Chouinard, E., Ciais, P., Gedney, N., Hopcroft, P., Ito, A., Jackson, R., Jain, A., Jensen, K., Joos, F., Kleinen, T., Knox, S., Li, T., Li, X., Liu, X., McDonald, K., McNicol, G., Miller, P., Müller, J., Patra, P., Peng, C., Peng, S., Qin, Z., Riggs, R., Saunois, M., Sun, Q., Tian, H., Xu, X., Yao, Y., Xi, Y., Zhang, W., Zhu, Q., Zhu, Q. & Zhuang, Q. (2025). Ensemble estimates of global wetland methane emissions over 2000-2020. Biogeosciences, 22(1), 305-321. doi:10.5194/bg-22-305-2025 [publisher-version]
  • Pederson, G., Stahle, D., McWethy, D., Toohey, M., Jungclaus, J., Lee, C., Martin, J., Alt, M., Kichas, N., Chellman, N., McConnell, J. & Whitlock, C. (2025). Dynamic treeline and cryosphere response to pronounced mid-Holocene climatic variability in the US Rocky Mountains. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 122(2): e2412162121. doi:10.1073/pnas.2412162121 [publisher-version][supplementary-material]
  • Rackow, T., Pedruzo-Bagazgoitia, X., Becker, T., Milinski, S., Sandu, I., Aguridan, R., Bechtold, P., Beyer, S., Bidlot, J., Boussetta, S., Deconinck, W., Diamantakis, M., Dueben, P., Dutra, E., Forbes, R., Ghosh, R., Goessling, H., Hadade, I., Hegewald, J., Jung, T., Keeley, S., Kluft, L., Koldunov, N., Koldunov, A., Kölling, T., Kousal, J., Kühnlein, C., Maciel, P., Mogensen, K., Quintino, T., Polichtchouk, I., Reuter, B., Sármány, D., Scholz, P., Sidorenko, D., Streffing, J., Sützl, B., Takasuka, D., Tietsche, S., Valentini, M., Vannière, B., Wedi, N., Zampieri, L. & Ziemen, F. (2025). Multi-year simulations at kilometre scale with the Integrated Forecasting System coupled to FESOM2.5 and NEMOv3.4. Geoscientific Model Development, 18(1), 33-69. doi:10.5194/gmd-18-33-2025 [publisher-version]
  • Ershadi, M., Drews, R., Tison, J.-L., Martín, C., Henry, A., Oraschewski, F., Tsibulskaya, V., Sun, S., Wauthy, S., Koch, I., Bons, P., Eisen, O. & Pattyn, F. (2025). Investigating the dynamic history of a promontory ice rise using radar data. Journal of Glaciology, 71: e1. doi:10.1017/jog.2024.70 [publisher-version]
  • De Hertog, S., Orlov, A., Havermann, F., Guo, S., Manola, I., Pongratz, J., Lejeune, Q., Schleussner, C.-F., Menke, I., Humpenöder, F., Popp, A., Lawrence, P., Hurtt, G., Chini, L., Vanderkelen, I., Davin, E., Reerink, T., Seneviratne, S., Verbeeck, H. & Thiery, W. (2025). Limited effect of future land-use changes on human heat stress and labor capacity. Earth's Future, 13(1): e2024EF005021. doi:10.1029/2024EF005021 [publisher-version]
  • Yu, D. & Zhou, M. (2025). The Similarity between the seasonal predictability and persistence barrier of ENSO phenomenon. Geophysical Research Letters, 52(2): e2024GL111885. doi:10.1029/2024GL111885 [publisher-version][supplementary-material]
  • Korn, P. & Titi, E. (2024). Global well-posedness of the primitive equations of large-scale ocean dynamics with the Gent-McWilliams-Redi Eddy Parametrization Model. SIAM journal on mathematical analysis, 56(6), 8011-8036. doi:10.1137/23M1564316 [publisher-version]
  • Liu, B., Maerz, J. & Ilyina, T. (2024). Glacial Atlantic carbon storage enhanced by a shallow AMOC and marine aggregates sinking. Geophysical Research Letters, 51(24): e2024GL109736. doi:10.1029/2024GL109736 [publisher-version][supplementary-material]
  • Carvalho-Oliveira, J., Di Capua, G., Borchert, L., Donner, R. & Baehr, J. (2024). Causal relationships and predictability of the summer East Atlantic teleconnection. Weather and climate dynamics : an interactive open-access journal of the European Geosciences Union, 5(4), 1561-1578. doi:10.5194/wcd-5-1561-2024 [publisher-version]
  • Takasuka, D., Satoh, M., Miyakawa, T., Kodama, C., Klocke, D., Stevens, B., Vidale, P. & Terai, C. (2024). A protocol and analysis of year-long simulations of global storm-resolving models and beyond. Progress in Earth and Planetary Science / Japan Geoscience Union (JpGU), 11: 66. doi:10.1186/s40645-024-00668-1 [publisher-version]
  • Silvy, Y., Frölicher, T., Terhaar, J., Joos, F., Burger, F., Lacroix, F., Allen, M., Bernardello, R., Bopp, L., Brovkin, V., Buzan, J., Cadule, P., Dix, M., Dunne, J., Friedlingstein, P., Georgievski, G., Hajima, T., Jenkins, S., Kawamiya, M., Kiang, N., Lapin, V., Lee, D., Lerner, P., Mengis, N., Monteiro, E., Paynter, D., Peters, G., Romanou, A., Schwinger, J., Sparrow, S., Stofferahn, E., Tjiputra, J., Tourigny, E. & Ziehn, T. (2024). AERA-MIP: emission pathways, remaining budgets and carbon cycle dynamics compatible with 1.5°C and 2°C global warming. Earth System Dynamics, 15(6), 1591-1628. doi:10.5194/esd-15-1591-2024 [publisher-version]

Weitere begutachtete Artikel

  • Achatz, U., Alexander, M., Becker, E., Chun, H.-Y., Dörnbrack, A., Holt, L., Plougonven, R., Polichtchouk, I., Sato, K., Sheshadri, A., Stephan, C., van Niekerk, A. & Wright, C. (2024). Atmospheric gravity waves: processes and parameterization. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 81, 237-262. doi:10.1175/JAS-D-23-0210.1 [publisher-version]
  • Andreasen, L., Cornér, J., Abbott, P., Sinclair, V., Riede, F. & Timmreck, C. (2024). Changes in Northern Hemisphere extra-tropical cyclone frequency following volcanic eruptions. Environmental research: climate, 3: 025002. doi:10.1088/2752-5295/ad2c0e [publisher-version]
  • Bao, J., Stevens, B., Kluft, L. & Muller, C. (2024). Intensification of tropical precipitation extremes from more organized convection. Science Advances, 10: eadj6801. doi:10.1126/sciadv.adj6801 [supplementary-material][publisher-version]
  • Barkhordarian, A., Nielsen, D., Olonscheck, D. & Baehr, J. (2024). Arctic marine heatwaves forced by greenhouse gases and triggered by abrupt sea-ice melt. Communications Earth and Environment, 5: 57. doi:10.1038/s43247-024-01215-y [publisher-version][supplementary-material]
  • Basaglia, P., Grunau, J. & Drupp, M. (2024). The European Union emissions trading system might yield large co-benefits from pollution reduction. PNAS, 121: e2319908121. doi:10.1073/pnas.23199081 [publisher-version]
  • Bauer, P., Hoefler, T., Stevens, B. & Hazeleger, W. (2024). Digital twins of Earth and the computing challenge of human interaction. Nature Computational Science, 4, 154-157. doi:10.1038/s43588-024-00599-3
  • Behncke, J., Landschützer, P. & Tanhua, T. (2024). A detectable change in the air-sea CO2 flux estimate from sailboat measurements. Scientific Reports, 14: 3345. doi:10.1038/s41598-024-53159-0 [publisher-version][supplementary-material]
  • Bishnoi, A., Stein, O., Meyer, C., Redler, R., Eicker, N., Haak, H., Hoffmann, L., Klocke, D., Kornblueh, L. & Suarez, E. (2024). Earth system modeling on modular supercomputing architecture: coupled atmosphere-ocean simulations with ICON 2.6.6-rc. Geoscientific Model Development, 17, 261-273. doi:10.5194/gmd-17-261-2024 [publisher-version]
  • Bouttes, N., Kwiatkowski, L., Berger, M., Brovkin, V. & Munhoven, G. (2024). Implementing the iCORAL (version 1.0) coral reef CaCO_3 production module in the iLOVECLIM climate model. Geoscientific Model Development, 17, 6513-6528. doi:10.5194/gmd-17-6513-2024 [publisher-version][supplementary-material]
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  • Carvalho-Oliveira, J., Di Capua, G., Borchert, L., Donner, R. & Baehr, J. (2024). Causal relationships and predictability of the summer East Atlantic teleconnection. Weather and climate dynamics : an interactive open-access journal of the European Geosciences Union, 5(4), 1561-1578. doi:10.5194/wcd-5-1561-2024 [publisher-version]
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  • Dorff, H., Konow, H., Schemann, V. & Ament, F. (2024). Observability of moisture transport divergence in Arctic atmospheric rivers by dropsondes. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 24, 8771-8795. doi:10.5194/acp-24-8771-2024 [publisher-version]
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  • Erokhina, O. & Mikolajewicz, U. (2024). A new Eulerian iceberg module for climate studies. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 16: e2023MS003807. doi:10.1029/2023MS003807 [supplementary-material][supplementary-material][publisher-version]
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  • Fang, Y., Screen, J., Hu, X., Lin, S., Williams, N. & Yang, S. (2024). CMIP6 models underestimate ENSO teleconnections in the Southern Hemisphere. Geophysical Research Letters, 51: e2024GL110738. doi:10.1029/2024GL110738 [publisher-version][supplementary-material]
  • Feng, Y., Du, S., Fraedrich, K., Zhang, X., Du, M. & Cheng, W. (2024). Local climate regionalization of the Tibetan Plateau: A data-driven scale-dependent analysis. Theoretical and Applied Climatology. doi:10.1007/s00704-024-04916-8
  • Fons, E., Naumann, A., Neubauer, D., Lang, T. & Lohmann, U. (2024). Investigating the sign of stratocumulus adjustments to aerosols in the ICON global storm-resolving model. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 24, 8653-8675. doi:10.5194/acp-24-8653-2024 [publisher-version]
  • Ford, D., Blannin, J., Watts, J., Watson, A., Landschützer, P., Jersild, A. & Shutler, J. (2024). A comprehensive analysis of air-sea CO2 flux uncertainties constructed from surface ocean data products. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 38: e2024GB008188. doi:10.1029/2024GB008188 [publisher-version][supplementary-material]
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  • Franke, H. & Giorgetta, M. (2024). Toward the direct simulation of the quasi-biennial oscillation in a global storm-resolving model. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 16: e2024MS004381. doi:10.1029/2024MS004381 [publisher-version][supplementary-material]
  • Gao, J., Minobe, S., Roberts, M., Haarsma, R., Putrasahan, D., Scoccimarro, E., Terray, L. & Vidale, P. (2024). Projected future changes in bomb cyclones by the HighResMIP-PRIMAVERA multimodel ensemble. Climate Dynamics. doi:10.1007/s00382-024-07327-7
  • García-Pereira, F., González-Rouco, J., Schmid, T., Melo-Aguilar, C., Vegas-Cañas, C., Steinert, N., Roldán-Gómez, P., Cuesta-Valero, F., García-García, A., Beltrami, H. & de Vrese, P. (2024). Thermodynamic and hydrological drivers of the soil and bedrock thermal regimes in central Spain. Soil, 10, 1-21. doi:10.5194/egusphere-2023-462 [publisher-version]
  • García-Pereira, F., González-Rouco, J., Melo-Aguilar, C., Steinert, N., García-Bustamante, E., de Vrese, P., Jungclaus, J., Lorenz, S., Hagemann, S., Cuesta-Valero, F., García-García, A. & Beltrami, H. (2024). First comprehensive assessment of industrial-era land heat uptake from multiple sources. Under open review for Earth System Dynamics. Earth System Dynamics, 15, 547-564. doi:10.5194/esd-15-547-2024 [publisher-version]
  • Gensch, L., Jantke, K., Rasche, L. & Schneider, U. (2024). Corrigendum to "Pesticide risk assessment in European agriculture: distribution patterns, ban-substitution effects and regulatory implications". Environmental Pollution: 125431. doi:10.1016/j.envpol.2024.125431 [publisher-version]
  • Gensch, L., Jantke, K., Rasche, L. & Schneider, U. (2024). Pesticide risk assessment in European agriculture: distribution patterns, ban-substitution effects and regulatory implications. Environmental Pollution, 348: 123836. doi:10.1016/j.envpol.2024.123836 [publisher-version]
  • Ghosh, R., Manzini, E., Gao, Y., Gastineau, G., Cherchi, A., Frankignoul, C., Liang, Y.-C., Kwon, Y.-O., Suo, L., Tyrlis, E., Mecking V, J., Tian, T., Zhang, Y. & Matei, D. (2024). Observed winter Barents Kara Sea ice variations induce prominent sub-decadal variability and a multi-decadal trend in the Warm Arctic Cold Eurasia pattern. Environmental Research Letters, 19: 024018. doi:10.1088/1748-9326/ad1c1a [publisher-version][supplementary-material]
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