News from the Institute

Eyecatcher ICON- Model

The first version of the ICON Earth System Model

A team of researchers around Dr. Johann Jungclaus from the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology (MPI-M) has published a paper in the Journal of…

Delayed response of subsea permafrost thaw to anthropogenic warming

Subsea permafrost is a previously overlooked component of the climate system. In a study published in The Cryosphere, the authors Stiig Wilkenskjeld…

Thawing rate of Arctic subsea permafrost ice for different climate projections relative to the thawing in a pre-industrial climate.

Delayed response of subsea permafrost thaw to anthropogenic warming

Subsea permafrost is a previously overlooked component of the climate system. In a study published in The Cryosphere, the authors Stiig Wilkenskjeld…

Portrait Laura Suarez

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship for Laura Suarez-Gutierrez

Dr. Laura Suarez-Gutierrez, scientist in the department “The Ocean in the Earth System” at the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, successfully…

Portrait Cathy Hohenegger

W 2 position for Cathy Hohenegger in acknowledgement of her scientific accomplishments

Dr. Cathy Hohenegger was appointed a W 2 position in the department “The Atmosphere in the Earth System” at the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology…

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New high-performance computer for Germany´s climate science

On March 03, 2022, the new high-performance computer system for Earth system research "Levante" started its operation at the German Climate Computing…

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What controls the millennial-scale climate variability in simulations of the last deglaciation?

The transition between the last glacial maximum (LGM, about 21,000 years before present) and present, which is referred to as the last deglaciation,…

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Finding attractors of dynamical systems via recurrences

In a publication, recently selected as a Featured Article, in Chaos, Dr. George Datseris (Max Planck Institute for Meteorology (MPI-M)) and Associate…


The driving forces of the terrestrial carbon cycle predictability

Although the global carbon cycle is predictable to some extent, we know little about the source of the memory in the system. In a study published in…

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A Quantification of Natural Forcing Contributions on Multi-Decadal North Atlantic Temperature Variability over the Past Millennium

In a new study in Geophysical Research Letters Dr. Shih-Wei Fang, Dr. Claudia Timmreck, and Dr. Johann Jungclaus from the Max Planck Institute for…


“Glaciers are the planet’s early warning system”: Ellen Mosley-Thompson and Lonnie Thompson win BBVA Climate Change Award

This year's recipients of the BBVA Frontiers of Knowledge Award in the Climate Change Category are Prof. Ellen Mosley-Thompson and Prof. Lonnie…


Tatiana Ilyina becoming Co-Chair of Working Group Coupled Modelling in the World Climate Research Program (WCRP)

Dr. Tatiana Ilyina, group leader of the “Ocean biogeochemistry” group in the department “The Ocean in the Earth System”, became co-chair of Working…

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