News from the Institute

How the Atlantic overturning got its observing system

The RAPID observing system has monitored the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) at 26.5°N since 2004. Many physical oceanographers…

An oscillating wind system in the tropical stratosphere: future evolution and new projections

The “quasi-biennial oscillation” (QBO) is a well-known wind system characterized by alternating layers of westerly and easterly winds encircling the…

Towards improved CO2 predictions

What factor limits the predictability of atmospheric CO2 concentration? Scientists from the Max-Planck-Institute for Meteorology, in collaboration…

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Joint Postdoctoral Programme by Max Planck Society and Weizmann Institute of Science

The Max Planck Institute for Meteorology is continuously looking for promising young scientists at postdoctoral level. In addition to the already…

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Successful completion of apprenticeship at the institute: Olaf Mantz-Hansen wins 2nd state prize in the field of precision mechanics.

Olaf Mantz-Hansen has successfully completed the 2023 journeyman’s examination as a precision mechanic, specializing in the field of high-precision…

Photo Ilyina

Tatiana Ilyina new professor at Universität Hamburg and Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon

Prof. Tatiana Ilyina, scientist and group leader of the Ocean Biogeochemistry group at the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology (MPI-M), was recently…

When Neptune nudges dominoes: How the Southern Ocean controls global climate feedbacks

A study by Kang et al. proposes a new hypothesis for the anomalous slowdown in the rate of average global surface warming between 1979 and 2013.…

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Sarah M. Kang appointed as new director at Max Planck Institute for Meteorology

Prof. Sarah M. Kang joins the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology (MPI-M) as a director on 15 August 2023. Prof. Kang joins the MPI-M from the…

Jule Radtke receives 2023 CFMIP-GASS early career scientist award

Jule Radtke, postdoctoral researcher in the joint CLICCS working group on Drivers of Tropical Circulations of the Max Planck Institute for…

Methane emissions from Arctic ponds are sensitive to warming-induced vegetation changes

Arctic ponds are important sources of methane emissions, and knowledge on their role in the future methane budget is lacking. A new study led by…

Tracking the partitioning of rain

Can land receive more rain than the ocean? One might think that the obvious answer is “Yes”. But land and ocean are two components of a coupled…

Berlin Summit for EVE — Summit Statement

The summary statement of the Berlin Summit for Earth Virtualization Engines (EVE) issues an impassioned call for international cooperation to advance…

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