Indian Master's students start work at the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology as part of the IISER-MPG Master's Internship Program
The aim of the program is to establish early contact between the Max Planck Institutes and young Indian talents before the doctoral and postdoctoral phases. The target group are excellent Indian students of the IISER institutes. These are highly respected and centrally funded institutes founded by the Indian government, primarily in the field of natural and life sciences. Both sides can get to know each other through a research stay of the master students of 6-9 months during the master thesis.
After a successful start of the IISER-MPG Master Internship program in 2022 with a first pilot institute, the MPI for Plant Breeding Research (MPI für Pflanzenzüchtungsforschung), and 5 students, the program will be extended to all Max Planck Institutes in summer 2023.
We welcome Parth Menghal (IISER in Tirupati) and Ravikiran Hegde (IISER in Thiruvananthapuram) at the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, Department of Climate Physics.

Mr. Menghal started already in June and will be part of the Climate Surface Interaction working group, which is headed by Dr. Cathy Hohenegger, until. 31/01/24.
Currently, he is working on understanding the migration of ITCZ using the state-of-the-art global, multi-year, high-resolution (5 km) coupled atmosphere-ocean simulations performed at the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology. The first part of his master's thesis focuses on identifying ocean basins where the ITCZ migration is robust on inter-annual time scales. The ITCZ accounts for more than 30% of global precipitation.

Ravikiran Hegde is working as a master's student in the Global Circulation and Climate group, headed by Dr. Hauke Schmidt, between 01/07/23 and 29/02/24.
The title of his master thesis is "Effectiveness of Stratospheric Aerosols versus CO2 Forcings". The objective of this project is to gain a deeper understanding of why stratospheric aerosols may exhibit lower effectiveness in altering global temperature compared to CO2 increases. The project aims to determine the necessary level of climate model complexity required to represent the occurrence of asymmetric warming/cooling patterns.
Both colleagues enjoy the inspiration that a change of continent can offer: a different culture, a different climate, a different way of life. Parth Menghal: "It's fun to see the simple things of daily life from a different perspective than in India!". Ravikiran Hegde is surprised and fascinated by the city's extensive cycling and pedestrian traffic infrastructure and the significant number of cyclists in the city.
Further Information
- Working Group Climate Surface Interaction
- Working Group Global Circulation and Climate
- Max Planck Partner Program
Dr. Ulrike Kirchner
Research Coordinator Max Planck Institute for Meteorology
Phone: +49 (0)40 41173-235
Dr. Christiane Haupt
Max Planck Society - Department for International Relations
Asia Commissioner
Phone: +49 89 2108 1365
Poonam Sehgal Suri
Representative of Max Planck Society (India Office)
Phone: +91-11-4978 9805