Moritz Günther starts postdoctoral position in the German-Israeli Max Planck-Weizmann Programme

The research project is thus dedicated to one of the major unresolved questions in climate science: How will the temperature pattern in the Pacific develop? This is because different regions are warming at different rates. In recent decades, the Eastern Pacific has even shown a slight cooling trend. Climate models can only simulate this inadequately. However, understanding these mechanisms is important, as the effects of the Pacific temperature pattern have global significance and go beyond regional climate changes.
Moritz Günther will therefore use climate models to investigate how the differences in energy fluxes over land and ocean influence this temperature pattern. "I knew Yohai Kaspi from a previous visit to the Weizmann Institute and Sarah Kang had just started as a new director at the MPI-M. When the opportunity arose to work with both of them, I seized it and designed a research project," says Günther.
In addition to the scientific question, he also has a personal interest in the Middle East: "I lived in Tel Aviv for a year and a half and am very interested in the region and the cultures in Israel and Palestine." Despite the current crisis situation in Israel and Palestine, Moritz Günther emphasizes the importance of academic contacts: "Even and especially in these times, it is important to maintain academic exchange." He is looking forward to seeing his friends again in Tel Aviv.
About the Max Planck-Weizmann Postdoctoral Programme
The Max Planck-Weizmann Postdoctoral Programme, which was launched in May 2023, supports up to ten postdocs each year in the fields of physics, chemistry, geosciences, mathematics and computer science. The young scientists spend two years at the Weizmann Institute and two years at the Max Planck Institute, which gives them the opportunity to benefit from the outstanding expertise and resources of both institutions. The program is funded by the Max Planck Society and the Weizmann Institute of Science with the aim of deepening scientific cooperation and promoting excellent young scientists.
Further Information
Moritz Günther at MPI-M
Department Climate Dynamics at MPI-M
Max Planck-Weizmann Postdoctoral Programme
Weizmann Institute of Science
Moritz Günther
Max Planck Institute for Meteorology