News from the Institute

A supercomputer at Forschungszentrum Jülich, blue lighting enhances the spectacular appearance of the computer.

MPI-M to be one of the first users of Europe's fastest supercomputer JUPITER

One of the first applications on the new exascale computer JUPITER at Forschungszentrum Jülich will be high-resolution simulations of the climate…

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Delegation of the Chinese Academy of Sciences visits MPI-M

On the occasion of 50 years of collaboration between the Max Planck Society and the Chinese Academy of Sciences, a Chinese delegation is currently…

A new generation of models for kilometer-scale climate projections

Imagine a future where climate science offers the appropriate tools to predict and thus help mitigate the impacts of climate change. This future is…

Sea with dark cloudy sky and rain in the distance

Cloud Clustering Causes More Extreme Rain

New climate model shows more extreme rainfall in the tropics with increased temperatures.

Photo eruption of volcano Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai

How a volcanic water vapor cloud influences its own transport through the stratosphere

Dr. Ulrike Niemeier and her co-authors have successfully simulated the transport of a volcanic water vapor cloud through the stratosphere. The…

2 images of the Earth as if seen from space with black background

Weather and Climate Model ICON published under Open Source License

The scientific and research community in Germany and Switzerland is setting a milestone in climate and weather research: Since January 31, 2024, the…

Berlin Summit for EVE — Summit Statement

The summary statement of the Berlin Summit for Earth Virtualization Engines (EVE) issues an impassioned call for international cooperation to advance…

The Berlin Summit for EVE: Toward closing the climate information gap

Never before in millions of years has our planet warmed so rapidly as today. A deeply concerning manifestation of this change is the world’s recent…

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WarmWorld project at full speed

With the first day of spring we also kick off the full module-team of the BMBF-funded WarmWorld project. Within this project, the Max Planck…

Component concurrency increases the parallel efficiency of Earth system models

In a recent study in the journal of Geoscientific Model Development Leonidas Linardakis and his colleagues demonstrate how coarse-grained component…

Figure: Global 1.2 km ICON-ESM simulation with zoom on the Agulhas stream

Technical milestone reached: global Earth system simulations with 1.2 km resolution

The Max Planck Institute for Meteorology (MPI-M) has opened a new chapter in Earth System Modelling that has been a dream for climate scientists and…

Photo: Supercomputer Levante in bluish light

One of a kind in Germany: New high-performance computer for Earth system research inaugurated

A new supercomputer named “Levante” was inaugurated at the German Climate Computing Center (DKRZ) on 22 September 2022. For the Max Planck Institute…

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