News from the Institute

Frontal view of the HALO aircraft, dominated by the red and white striped nose mast against a blue sky with light cloud cover.

Above the clouds: HALO measurement campaign successfully completed

Over a period of more than three months, scientists have collected data on cloud formation in the Atlantic with the HALO research aircraft, and…

eroding permafrost cliffs

Climate change amplified by permafrost cloud feedback

Researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology shed light on what may happen if the frozen soils thaw in response to global heating.…

Photo of clouds

Insights into the thermal structure of the tropical troposphere

When you feel the wind on your face, see clouds in the sky, and watch a bird flap its wings in flight, you’re experiencing the troposphere. It is the…

Fesstval, sensor and Fesstval Flag with logo, cloudy horizon in background

When thunderstorms light up scientists' eyes: first results from the field campaign FESSTVaL

In a recent study, Dr. Cathy Hohenegger, group leader in the climate physics department, reports on the measurement effort called the Field…

Satellite image of Earth with eddy

Wivern Earth Explorer candidate goes forward

The satellite mission Wivern has been selected by the European Space Agency ESA as one of two remaining candidates to progress to the next…

When Neptune nudges dominoes: How the Southern Ocean controls global climate feedbacks

A study by Kang et al. proposes a new hypothesis for the anomalous slowdown in the rate of average global surface warming between 1979 and 2013.…

Jule Radtke receives 2023 CFMIP-GASS early career scientist award

Jule Radtke, postdoctoral researcher in the joint CLICCS working group on Drivers of Tropical Circulations of the Max Planck Institute for…

Rain clouds

How do the ups control the downs within deep convective clouds?

In convective storms, the air that goes down is almost as important as the air that goes up. These convective downdrafts influence the termination of…

Julia Windmiller with HALO model

Julia Windmiller becomes new group leader at the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology

Dr. Julia Windmiller is the new scientific head of the group “Tropical Cloud Observations”. The group collects and uses observational data of…

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Three fellowships for George Datseris

Dr. George Datseris, a scientist previously working in the department “The Atmosphere in the Earth System” at the Max Planck Institute for…

Fairweather cumulus are here to stay after all!

“Eureka!” That is what the Greek scholar Archimedes is said to have exclaimed in delight upon discovering buoyancy. More than 2,000 years later, the…

Cloud-base view of trade cumuli

Observations show: assumption of a large trade cumulus reduction with global warming refuted

The response of trade cumulus clouds to warming is a major uncertainty in climate projections. In the last decade, a hypothesis was developed…

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