News from the Institute

DYAMOND – Next Generation Climate Models

At a very basic level the main job of the climate system is to redistribute energy, specifically solar energy that is received from the sun is…

Climate factor clouds — the field campaign EUREC4A intends to answer one of climate science’s great mysteries

From 20 January through 20 February 2020, the EUREC4A (Elucidating the role of clouds-circulation coupling in climate) field study investigated trade…

EUREC4A—an international field study to test hypothesized cloud controlling factors influencing weather and climate

From 20 January through 20 February 2020, the EUREC4A (Elucidating the role of clouds-circulation coupling in climate) field study will investigate…

POST FROM: Barbados, Caribbean | Theresa Lang

Theresa Lang from the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology spent around two weeks on the Caribbean island of Barbados for the cloud research project…

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HALO as a cloud observatory: the NARVAL expeditions

Aircrafts have long been used to sample clouds, now the German research aircraft HALO (High-Altitude LOng-Range) has been configured as a mobile…

Gravity waves in convection-permitting simulations

In a new study published in the Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences Dr Claudia Stephan and Dr Hauke Schmidt from the department “The Atmosphere in…

Sedimentation effects on stratocumulus lifetime more important than previously thought

Stratocumulus clouds are efficient in cooling the Earth’s atmosphere by reflecting incoming solar radiation back to space. However, predicting the…

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Minerva Fast Track and new group for Claudia Stephan

Beginning in May 2019 a new working group on cloud-wave coupling led by Dr Claudia Stephan has joined the department "The Atmosphere in the Earth…

New estimates of the future effect of air pollution on Earth´s radiation budget

Almost all IPCC scenarios for 2015 to 2100 show a reduction in the air pollution by anthropogenic aerosols for the future, but their effects on the…

EUREC4A—an international field study to test hypothesized cloud controlling factors influencing weather and climate

From 20 January through 20 February 2020, the EUREC4A (Elucidating the role of clouds-circulation coupling in climate) field study investigated trade…

How Cloudy Is the Earth?

Prof. Bjorn Stevens im Interview

Conceptual modeling at MPI-M

The Max Planck Institute for Meteorology (MPI-M) develops complex Earth system and climate models. To investigate and understand processes, the…

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