Minerva Fast Track and new group for Claudia Stephan

Tropical clouds play a key role in determining Earth's temperatures and circulation but climate models show a disconcerting diversity at simulating tropical convection. Clouds are also an efficient source of atmospheric waves, which can in turn modulate convection. Such feedbacks between convection and waves, in particular small-scale gravity waves, are not well represented in contemporary climate models. The cloud-wave coupling group studies the interplay of clouds and tropospheric waves at a process level to understand the role of waves in shaping patterns of clouds and precipitating convection.
The MPG annually awards two Minerva Fast Track positions in the Chemistry, Physics and Technology Section to give outstanding female scientists the chance to plan their careers for the long term after completing their doctorates. Following directly on the dissertation or after the first postdoc position, funding is provided for a maximum of three years with the objective that the scientist will then apply for an open topic Max Planck Research Group.
More information:
MPG Minerva Fast Track / A career in science at Max Planck
Dr Claudia Stephan
Max Planck Institute for Meteorology
Phone: +49 (0) 40 41173 124
Email: claudia.stephan@ mpimet.mpg.de