News from the Institute

Linear climate response to idealized tropical volcanic eruptions

In a new study, Dr. Claudia Timmreck, Dr. Dirk Olonscheck and Dr. Shih-Wei Fang from the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, together with…

A new mechanism for synchronising Heinrich events with Dansgaard-Oeschger cycles

The northern hemisphere climate during the last glacial period (about 65,000-15,000 years before present) was dominated by two prominent signals of…

Ocean CO2 measurements: a single sailboat yacht makes a difference

Have you ever wondered how much a single measurement campaign matters when estimating the ocean's carbon sink? In a study published recently in…

 An artist illustration of a ‘snowball Earth’.

What happens after a snowball Earth melts?

When a snowball Earth deglaciates, the planet transitions rapidly into a hot "supergreenhouse" climate that persists for a hundred thousand years or…

Coupled climate models systematically underestimate the radiation response to surface warming

Do climate models realistically represent the coupling between Earth’s surface warming and the top-of-the atmosphere radiation? Dirk Olonscheck,…

Graphic of the iceberg meltwater flow in the Atlantic

Including icebergs in computer models helps to better understand past climate change

In their new study Olga Erokhina and Uwe Mikolajewicz showed that adding icebergs to climate models can help scientists better understand the…

Rain cloud over a harvested grain field

Rain rather likes dry soils in a next-generation global climate model

In a recent study, Dr. Junhong Lee and Dr. Cathy Hohenegger show that a next-generation climate model exhibits a different relationship between water…

Towards resolving internal tides in the ocean

In a recent publication, Prof. Jin-Song von Storch together with other scientists showed that the ocean component of the ICON model is able to…

Focus: The big melt | Marie-Luise Kapsch, Clemens Schannwell

Climate change is melting the ice sheets of Greenland and Antarctica and causing sea levels to rise. This could be a disaster for island states and…

Coordinating climate modeling to stimulate climate science

In a commentary recently published in AGU Advances, Prof. Bjorn Stevens, Director of the Climate Physics Department of the Max Planck Institute for…

Extremely warm European summers are preceded by North Atlantic Ocean heat accumulation

In a new study, Lara Wallberg, together with Laura Suarez-Gutierrez, Daniela Matei, and Wolfgang Müller have investigated the relationship between…

Sea with dark cloudy sky and rain in the distance

Cloud Clustering Causes More Extreme Rain

New climate model shows more extreme rainfall in the tropics with increased temperatures.

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