News from the Institute

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Ocean, convection, adaptation: three new working groups starting at MPI-M

Three new working groups recently established at the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology (MPI-M) are tackling cutting-edge issues in climate…

Frontal view of the HALO aircraft, dominated by the red and white striped nose mast against a blue sky with light cloud cover.

Above the clouds: HALO measurement campaign successfully completed

Over a period of more than three months, scientists have collected data on cloud formation in the Atlantic with the HALO research aircraft, and…

First-time explicit simulation of a tropical wind system in the upper atmosphere

A wind system in the tropical stratosphere that can influence the seasonal weather along many latitudes – the quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO) –…

A new generation of models for kilometer-scale climate projections

Imagine a future where climate science offers the appropriate tools to predict and thus help mitigate the impacts of climate change. This future is…

New study sinks an old theory for low-wind equatorial regions

MPI-M-researcher Julia Windmiller overturns a textbook explanation for the low wind speeds that tormented sailing ships in the tropics: Rather than…

WASCAL Master's Students Attend ORCESTRA Campaign on Climate Research

Five master's students from Ghana, Senegal, Nigeria, Benin, and Guinea, participating in the WASCAL program, had the unique opportunity to gain…

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ORCESTRA: Exploring Tropical Clouds and their Impact on Climate

The ORCESTRA started his performance on August 10th in Cap Verde. The PERCUSION gives the beat by flying back and forth across the belt of deep rain…

Volcanic eruption with towering ash cloud, forest and road in the foreground

Why stratospheric aerosol disproportionately cools the Indian and western Pacific Ocean

In a new study Moritz Günther, Hauke Schmidt, Claudia Timmreck, and Matthew Toohey show how aerosol perturbations in the stratosphere lead to a…

Linear climate response to idealized tropical volcanic eruptions

In a new study, Dr. Claudia Timmreck, Dr. Dirk Olonscheck and Dr. Shih-Wei Fang from the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, together with…

Rain cloud over a harvested grain field

Rain rather likes dry soils in a next-generation global climate model

In a recent study, Dr. Junhong Lee and Dr. Cathy Hohenegger show that a next-generation climate model exhibits a different relationship between water…

Coordinating climate modeling to stimulate climate science

In a commentary recently published in AGU Advances, Prof. Bjorn Stevens, Director of the Climate Physics Department of the Max Planck Institute for…

Photo of clouds

Insights into the thermal structure of the tropical troposphere

When you feel the wind on your face, see clouds in the sky, and watch a bird flap its wings in flight, you’re experiencing the troposphere. It is the…

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