New high-performance computer for Germany´s climate science

On March 03, 2022, the new high-performance computer system for Earth system research "Levante" started its operation at the German Climate Computing Center (DKRZ) in the first expansion stage. With 14 PetaFLOPS (14 quadrillion mathematical operations per second), the supercomputer quadruples the computing power at DKRZ.

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With "Levante", scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology (MPI-M) will in future be able to carry out more or longer simulations with new, storm-resolving global climate and Earth system models. Such models allow for the first time a purely physical representation of important small-scale climate processes, whereas these have to be parameterized in the much coarser models used so far. Furthermore, small-scale interactions between atmosphere, ocean and the other parts of the Earth system can be represented and investigated in more detail than was previously the case.

Prof. Bjorn Stevens, Director of the Department “The Atmosphere in the Earth System” at MPI-M: “Levante represents a step change in computing, by enabling more physical models based on grids as fine as 2.5 km and for periods of decades, it will allow us to open new frontiers in climate science.”

Press release by the German Climate Computing Center

Further information:

German Climate Computing Center


Prof. Dr. Bjorn Stevens
Managing Director
Max Planck Institute for Meteorology
Email: bjorn.stevens@we dont want

Michael Böttinger
Head of Scientific Visualization & PR
German Climate Computing Center
Email: boettinger@we dont want