News from the Institute

Happy Birthday Barbados Cloud Observatory!

Ten years ago, the department “The Atmosphere in the Earth System”, led by Prof Bjorn Stevens, at the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology (MPI-M)…

Figure: Natural net emissions of methane in the present-day climate.

Natural methane emissions – from the glacial to the present

In a new study in Climate of the Past Dr Thomas Kleinen, Uwe Mikolajewicz, and Prof Victor Brovkin, researchers at the Max Planck Institute for…

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AQ-WATCH – new EU project to help mitigate air pollution

AQ-Watch (Air Quality - Worldwide Analysis & Forecasting of Atmospheric Composition for Health), a new project in the European Union’s Horizon…

EUREC4A—an international field study to test hypothesized cloud controlling factors influencing weather and climate

From 20 January through 20 February 2020, the EUREC4A (Elucidating the role of clouds-circulation coupling in climate) field study will investigate…

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MiKlip publishes the decadal climate forecasts for 2019–2028 including the annual forecast for 2019

The MiKlip project, led by Prof Jochem Marotzke and coordinated by Dr Sebastian Hettrich at the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, has made its…

WCRP Grand Challenge: Carbon feedbacks in the climate system

There are natural processes in the Earth system that remove anthropogenic carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, helping to limit climate change. These…

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Do clouds make the wind blow? Airborne investigations of the interplay between clouds and circulation

Which climate effects do clouds have? Under what conditions do they warm or cool the atmosphere? And what role do clouds play in shaping the…

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