News from the Institute

eroding permafrost cliffs

Climate change amplified by permafrost cloud feedback

Researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology shed light on what may happen if the frozen soils thaw in response to global heating.…

Bird's eye view of permafrost soil

From the Arctic to the tropics: permafrost soils and methane

A new study led by researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, in collaboration with scientists from the University of Hamburg, shows…

Photo: Permafrost

Permafrost hydrology plays an important role in global climate simulations, new study shows

Earth system models exhibit large inter-model differences in the simulated climate of the Arctic and subarctic zone, with varying sea ice…

Thawing rate of Arctic subsea permafrost ice for different climate projections relative to the thawing in a pre-industrial climate.

Delayed response of subsea permafrost thaw to anthropogenic warming

Subsea permafrost is a previously overlooked component of the climate system. In a study published in The Cryosphere, the authors Stiig Wilkenskjeld…

Photo: Duvanni Yar, Sibirien

Response of high-latitude ecosystems to temperature overshoot scenarios

High-latitude soils contain almost twice as much carbon as the atmosphere, and the fate of this frozen organic matter under ongoing climate change is…

Title by C.H. Reick employing a painting by Dieter Reick (2003).

Documentation of JSBACH published

Today, JSBACH is the land component of the two Earth System models at the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology (MPI-M), MPI-ESM and ICON-ESM. Work on…