News from the Institute

Drawing of three hikers walking towards a summit. A flag with the inscription "improved projection" is waving on the summit. A signpost points in different directions for "conceptual modeling", "machine learning", and "high resolution modeling", but all paths lead to the summit.

Embracing diversity for the future of climate modeling

What's next for climate modeling? Five internationally recognized female scientists have joined forces to come up with an answer. They argue: Instead…

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Ocean, convection, adaptation: three new working groups starting at MPI-M

Three new working groups recently established at the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology (MPI-M) are tackling cutting-edge issues in climate…

Graphical representation of the strengthening (left) and weakening (right) of the Walker circulation, with English labeling

Study explains unexpected recent strengthening of the Walker circulation

The Walker circulation, an atmospheric circulation pattern in the tropics, has accelerated in recent years, puzzling climate scientists who had…

On a steep slope on a coast, the ice is clearly visible in deep layers of soil.

The precarious future of permafrost

The Arctic is heating up particularly fast as a result of global warming – with serious consequences. The widespread permafrost in this region, where…

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Solving the Pacific Puzzle: TROPICS workshop meets at MPI-M

Upon invitation by MPI-M Director Sarah Kang, world-renowned climate researchers are currently gathering at the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology…

Portrait Moritz Günther

Moritz Günther starts postdoctoral position in the German-Israeli Max Planck-Weizmann Programme

The Max Planck Institute for Meteorology (MPI-M) is pleased to announce that Moritz Günther has started a 4-year postdoctoral position in the…

eroding permafrost cliffs

Climate change amplified by permafrost cloud feedback

Researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology shed light on what may happen if the frozen soils thaw in response to global heating.…

Portrait Sitch

Humboldt Research Awardee Stephen Sitch at Max Planck Institute for Meteorology

Professor Stephen Sitch, a world-leading scientist from the University of Exeter, UK, scientist with outstanding achievements in terrestrial carbon…

Figure 1: Observed of sea surface temperatures trends from 1979-2022 in degrees Celsius per decade.

Changes to the Warming Pattern in the Tropical Pacific

The Earth is rapidly warming in response to human-induced greenhouse gas emissions. The warming is however not uniform, with some areas of the Earth…

Photo of Sarah Kang

Climate Dynamics research field — a portrait of new director Sarah Kang

When she opens the door to her office and invites you in with a friendly smile, it quickly becomes clear: Sarah Kang is still new at the Max Planck…

When Neptune nudges dominoes: How the Southern Ocean controls global climate feedbacks

A study by Kang et al. proposes a new hypothesis for the anomalous slowdown in the rate of average global surface warming between 1979 and 2013.…

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Sarah M. Kang appointed as new director at Max Planck Institute for Meteorology

Prof. Sarah M. Kang joins the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology (MPI-M) as a director on 15 August 2023. Prof. Kang joins the MPI-M from the…