Embracing diversity for the future of climate modeling
What's next for climate modeling? Five internationally recognized female scientists have joined forces to come up with an answer. They argue: Instead…

MPI-M to be one of the first users of Europe's fastest supercomputer JUPITER
One of the first applications on the new exascale computer JUPITER at Forschungszentrum Jülich will be high-resolution simulations of the climate…

The precarious future of permafrost
The Arctic is heating up particularly fast as a result of global warming – with serious consequences. The widespread permafrost in this region, where…

Tatiana Ilyina receives Nansen Medal
The Fridtjof Nansen Medal, one of the most important prizes for oceanography, will be awarded to Tatiana Ilyina, Professor at the University of…

A new generation of models for kilometer-scale climate projections
Imagine a future where climate science offers the appropriate tools to predict and thus help mitigate the impacts of climate change. This future is…

What happens after a snowball Earth melts?
When a snowball Earth deglaciates, the planet transitions rapidly into a hot "supergreenhouse" climate that persists for a hundred thousand years or…

Coupled climate models systematically underestimate the radiation response to surface warming
Do climate models realistically represent the coupling between Earth’s surface warming and the top-of-the atmosphere radiation? Dirk Olonscheck,…

Collaborative hacking: Max Planck Institute for Meteorology hosts the largest hackathon for Earth system modeling
From March 4 to 8, the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology will be hosting a hackathon for intensive hacking, bug-finding, bug-fixing and lots of…

How a volcanic water vapor cloud influences its own transport through the stratosphere
Dr. Ulrike Niemeier and her co-authors have successfully simulated the transport of a volcanic water vapor cloud through the stratosphere. The…

Max Planck Institute for Meteorology welcomes Hasselmann-fellow Lin Lin
The 2024 Nobel Laureate Fellowship will be awarded to Lin Lin who will start her project in February hosted by the Department Climate Variability. In…

Weather and Climate Model ICON published under Open Source License
The scientific and research community in Germany and Switzerland is setting a milestone in climate and weather research: Since January 31, 2024, the…

An oscillating wind system in the tropical stratosphere: future evolution and new projections
The “quasi-biennial oscillation” (QBO) is a well-known wind system characterized by alternating layers of westerly and easterly winds encircling the…