News from the Institute

The research vessel Maria S. Merian on the open sea, photographed from above. A balloon with a radiosonde rises into the sky at the stern.

Proposal for an improved handling of ship-based data

Transparent processing of research data facilitates scientific work and serves scientific goals in the long term. Using data collected during a…

Cloud-base view of trade cumuli

Observations show: assumption of a large trade cumulus reduction with global warming refuted

The response of trade cumulus clouds to warming is a major uncertainty in climate projections. In the last decade, a hypothesis was developed…

Climate feedback to stratospheric aerosol forcing: the key role of the pattern effect

In a recent study Moritz Günther, Hauke Schmidt, Claudia Timmreck (all MPI-M), and Matthew Toohey (University of Saskatchewan) argue why the cooling…

  Image of a cloud model

A curious symmetry in the distribution of tropical precipitation

A curious symmetry in the distribution of tropical precipitation is that it rains as much over land as it does over the ocean, in both cases about 3…

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A Quantification of Natural Forcing Contributions on Multi-Decadal North Atlantic Temperature Variability over the Past Millennium

In a new study in Geophysical Research Letters Dr. Shih-Wei Fang, Dr. Claudia Timmreck, and Dr. Johann Jungclaus from the Max Planck Institute for…

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Atmospheric data treasure for the trade wind region collected, processed, and made available

Thirteen scientists from Germany, France and the United States collaborated to collect measurements and process them into a dataset that provides a…


Variations of tropical lapse rates in climate models and their implications for upper tropospheric warming

In a new study in the Journal of Climate Paul Keil, Hauke Schmidt, Bjorn Stevens and Jiawei Bao from the department “The Atmosphere in the Earth…

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Do clouds amplify global warming? EUREC4A field study tests hypothesized mechanisms

The science guiding the field campaign EUREC4A (Elucidating the role of clouds-circulation coupling in climate) and its measurements is presented in…

Photo of C. Hohenegger

Cathy Hohenegger successfully habilitated at Universität Hamburg

Dr. Cathy Hohenegger, scientist and leader of the group “Precipitating Convection” at the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology (MPI-M), was awarded…

Photo of Research Vessel "Sonne"

Julia Windmiller co-leads the atmospheric measurements on board RV SONNE

On 27 June 2021, after a 10-day quarantine of the participants, the RV SONNE will set off from Emden under the cruise guidance of Prof. Peter Brandt…

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Claudia Stephan has been accepted into the Elisabeth Schiemann Kolleg

Dr. Claudia Stephan, Minerva Fast Track group leader in the department “The Atmosphere in the Earth System” at the Max Planck Institute for…

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The Arctic polar vortex response to volcanic forcing of different strengths

Large volcanic eruptions can inject sulfur containing gases into the stratosphere where they build sulfate aerosols. These particles, on the one…

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