Prof. Hans von Storch conceptualized and led the publication of this fascinating retrospective on the contributions of Klaus Hasselmann, the founding director of the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology (MPI-M). Von Storch brings together an eminent list of authors, and former colleagues of Klaus Hasselmann, to reflect and explain some of Hasselmann’s most important contributions to physical oceanography, climate science, economics and physics. Interviews and personal reflections fill out the portrait of Hasselmann as a deeply influential thinker and extraordinary personality. After the completion of the book, the contributors were informed that Klaus Hasselmann had been awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics 2021. This gave the book another new facet and topicality.
The book is published online, and the MPI-M is pleased to be able to make this book freely accessible:
von Storch, Hans (Ed.) (2022) From decoding turbulence to unveiling the fingerprint of climate change: Klaus Hasselmann—Nobel Prize Winner in Physics 2021. Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-91716-6.
Further information:
The Nobel Prize in Physics 2021 for Klaus Hasselmann
Dr. Annette Kirk
Max Planck Institute for Meteorology
Phone: +49 40 41173 374
Email: annette.kirk@