News from the Institute


Large explosive volcanic eruptions outside the tropics influence climate more than assumed

In a study performed within the BMBF-funded MiKlip project ALARM Dr Matthew Toohey from GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research in Kiel, Dr Hauke…

HD(CP)² - cloud-resolving simulation over Germany through ICON HighRes

It has been a long-standing question whether climate change can be traced back to human activities. In order to answer it more precisely and to…

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Do clouds make the wind blow? Airborne investigations of the interplay between clouds and circulation

Which climate effects do clouds have? Under what conditions do they warm or cool the atmosphere? And what role do clouds play in shaping the…

To what extent do aerosol particles in the atmosphere mask the effects of greenhouse gases?

Prof Bjorn Stevens is Director in the department “The Atmosphere in the Earth system” and speaks about his research and the question: To what extent…

New study: Cooling by aerosols weaker and less uncertain

The new study "Rethinking the lower bound on aerosol forcing" in the Journal of Climate, written by Prof. Bjorn Stevens, director at the Max Planck…

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