News from the Institute

Rain clouds

How do the ups control the downs within deep convective clouds?

In convective storms, the air that goes down is almost as important as the air that goes up. These convective downdrafts influence the termination of…

Julia Windmiller with HALO model

Julia Windmiller becomes new group leader at the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology

Dr. Julia Windmiller is the new scientific head of the group “Tropical Cloud Observations”. The group collects and uses observational data of…

 Katabatic storm („Piteraq“) on 20. September 2003

How katabatic storms in southeast Greenland form dense water in the Irminger Sea

In a new study in the Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, Dr. Oliver Gutjahr (Universität Hamburg, Max Planck Institute for Meteorology (MPI-M))…

Shown are data from the models IFS, GEOS, and ICON at 30 km height.

Atmospheric energy spectra in global kilometre-scale models

Dr. Claudia Stephan (Max Planck Institute for Meteorology) and her colleagues Dr. Julia Duras, Dr. Lucas Harris, Dr. Daniel Klocke, Dr. William M.…

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The observed impact of mesoscale vertical motion on tropical clouds

A recent study by Geet George, Bjorn Stevens (both from the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology) and Marcus Klingebiel (now at Leipzig University)…

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Waves and coherent flows in the tropical atmosphere: new opportunities, old challenges

In a review article appearing in the Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, Dr. Claudia Stephan (Max Planck Institute for…

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HALO as a cloud observatory: the NARVAL expeditions

Aircrafts have long been used to sample clouds, now the German research aircraft HALO (High-Altitude LOng-Range) has been configured as a mobile…

Photo of Ann Kristin Naumann

New CLICCS joint working group on drivers of tropical circulation

A new working group on drivers of tropical circulation has been introduced in the department "Atmosphere in the Earth System" at the Max Planck…

Project Retrograde — imagine Earth rotated in the opposite direction

The rotation of Earth shapes our climate system in various ways: It controls the major wind directions, lets the weather systems swirl, and, together…

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Do clouds make the wind blow? Airborne investigations of the interplay between clouds and circulation

Which climate effects do clouds have? Under what conditions do they warm or cool the atmosphere? And what role do clouds play in shaping the…

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