KlimaCampus Kolloquium: Improving the representation of social systems in climate policy models

Feasible climate change mitigation pathways require considering the feedbacks within and between human and earth systems. Currently, the models that support climate polices, namely the integrated assessment models (IAMs) of climate, economy and environment have a very weak representation of the human systems and the feedbacks between human and earth systems. In this talk, I will introduce the FeliX model, a feedback-rich system dynamics model of climate, economy, environment and society interactions. I will focus on how the FeliX model is used to explore long-term dietary changes, sustainable development, poverty and human wellbeing resulting from the feedbacks between society, climate, economy, energy and land use dynamics. Based on these examples, I will discuss how system dynamics models can help developing feasible demand-side mitigation scenarios and analyzing the potential of social tipping points.




15:15 h


Bundesstr. 53, room 022/023
Seminar Room 022/023, Ground Floor, Bundesstrasse 53, 20146 Hamburg, Hamburg


Chao Li

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