More accurate quantification of model-to-model agreement
They quantified the relative roles of model-to-model differences and internal variability in causing uncertainty in climate model projections. They find that uncertainty across the globe in long-term projections of temperature and precipitation is dominated by model-to-model differences, but that this is not true for temporal temperature and precipitation variability. When assessing model-to-model agreement they can identify differences in the forced response to external forcing across the land surface, and find that although all models show warming under a strong forcing scenario, the magnitude of that warming varies by 4oC over Europe, Australia and Asia and 10oC over the Arctic.
Individual simulations of climate models differ when exposed to external forcing, such as that from increasing greenhouse gases, due to both structural differences between the models and their phase of chaotic internal climate variability. Which of the two causes is at work matters a great deal – if it is the structural differences, model-to-model agreement might increase in the future causing the uncertainty in the response to external forcing to decrease. If, however, it is the internal variability, the spread in projections will not decrease. Determining why model simulations differ is limited in the traditional use of multi-model ensembles of climate models due to small numbers of realisations. This is further complicated because the models are not independent, sharing both components and code. This can lead to overconfidence in projections.

In this study, Maher and her co-authors use a new set of six largely independent single model initial-condition large ensembles (SMILEs) to separate the uncertainties due to internal variability and model differences for temperature, precipitation, and their temporal variability. By using SMILEs they can easily quantify both the externally forced response in each model (ensemble mean) and its internal variability (the spread of ensemble members). They additionally implement a new method for a multi-model ensemble (CMIP5), where they create small sub-ensembles of models that share an atmospheric component, which are hence not independent. They find that the uncertainty in temperature and precipitation projections is dominated by model-to-model differences (Figure 1; left columns). However, for the temporal variability of both quantities, the uncertainty due to internal variability is generally larger than model differences in the extra-tropics (Figure 1; right columns). This has an important implication; that increasing model-to-model agreement in this region for these quantities may not improve the spread of projections.

Maher and her co-authors then ask whether climate models agree not only on the sign, but also on the magnitude of the forced response in the projections. For the simple example of mean-state temperature they confirm that there is model agreement that it will warm everywhere except the northern North Atlantic and the Southern Ocean in both the SMILEs and the CMIP5 sub-ensembles (Figure 2a). When focusing on the magnitude of the change in specific regions in the SMILEs, they find that over Europe, Australia and south-east Asia the projections disagree by up to 4oC, while over the Arctic this disagreement is up to 10oC (Figure 2b, c). This difference in magnitude can now be quantified much more accurately using the SMILEs and is assessed for precipitation, and temporal temperature and precipitation variability as well as temperature for three areas that are policy relevant (i.e. sections of the land surface, the Arctic, and the tropical Pacific) to illustrate how the SMILE results can be used in the original publication.
Original publication:
Maher, N., Power, S.B., and Marotzke, J. (2021) More accurate quantification of model-to-model agreement in externally forced climatic responses over the coming century. Nature Communications.
Dr Nicola Maher
Now at CIRES, University of Colorado, Boulder, USA
Email: nicola.maher@
Prof Dr Jochem Marotzke
Max Planck Institute for Meteorology
Phone: +49 (0) 40 41173 311 (Assistant Kornelia Müller)
Email: jochem.marotzke@