Evangelos Tyrlis gained a BSc in Physics from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (2000) and an MSc in “Weather, Climate and Modelling” (2001) from the University of Reading, UK. He conducted research on atmospheric blocking at the Department of Meteorology of the University of Reading and received his doctorate in 2006 presenting a thesis entitled “Aspects of Northern Hemisphere Blocking“. He worked as a postdoctoral fellow at the Laboratory of Atmospheric Modelling and Weather Forecasting Group of the NKUA and the Energy, Environment and Water Resource Centre of the Cyprus Institute. After joining MPI-M in 2016, he became a member of the group led by Dr. Daniela Matei and contributed to the understanding of the links between Arctic Amplification and mid-latitude weather extremes within the projects InterDec, Blue-Action and PAMIP.
He has extensive research experience on blocking identification methods and the dynamics involved in blocking onset and maintenance. At MPI-M he investigated the role of blocking in linking climate anomalies between the Arctic and mid-latitudes. His work further substantiates the role of Ural Blocking in driving the Warm Arctic–Cold Siberia pattern, which represents an anti-correlation of surface temperature between the Barents–Kara Seas and central Asia. On daily to sub-seasonal timescales, warming and sea-ice loss over the Barents–Kara Seas and cooling over central Asia emerge as a fast response to the anomalous atmospheric circulation induced by Ural Blocking onset. This robust link dominates seasonal means, making the Ural Blocking a key feature in controlling interannual variability and trends of surface temperatures over Eurasia. In addition, Evangelos Tyrlis presented a modified version of a blocking algorithm that can be useful in detecting more effectively high-latitude blocking trends in climate model projections.
At the Section of Environmental Physics-Meteorology of the NKUA, Evangelos Tyrlis will teach courses at undergraduate and postgraduate level, including Dynamic Meteorology, Atmospheric Modelling and Atmospheric Physics. He will continue his research on blocking and focus on blocking activity trends identified in climate model simulations. He will be also active in identifying remote drivers of climate variability over the Mediterranean and the Middle East. Evangelos Tyrlis: “The unusually intense heatwaves of summer 2021 over the Mediterranean had a devastating impact on regional ecosystems. Extreme events of similar intensity are projected to become more frequent in the region. More research needs to be done on the remote dynamical drivers of such events that will eventually improve their predictability.”
Dr Evangelos Tyrlis
now at National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA)
MPI Email: evangelos.tyrlis@ mpimet.mpg.de
NKUA Email: etyrlis@ phys.uoa.gr