Mira (Radomyra) Shevchenko
I am a postdoctoral researcher working on air-sea interactions under the supervision of Cathy Hohenegger. As a member of the collaborative research center TRR 181 I am studying the interplay between atmospheric convection and near-surface meter-scale processes in the ocean. Prior to that I was working as a researcher in probability theory and mathematical statistics in the group of Jeannette Woerner at TU Dortmund.
Curriculum Vitae
2020 | PhD at Technical University of Dortmund (summa cum laude) Supervisor: Prof. Jeannette Woerner Title of the thesis: Limit Theorems and Statistical Inference for Solutions of Some Stochastic (Partial) Differential Equations |
10.2018-2.2019 | Research stay at Université de Lille with Prof. Ciprian A. Tudor |
2016 | Master’s degree in mathematics at Humboldt University of Berlin Supervisor: Prof. Peter Imkeller Title of the thesis: Central limit theorems for quadratic a-variations of SDEs driven by the fractional Brownian motion |
2013 | Bachelor’s degree in mathematics at Humboldt University of Berlin Title of the thesis: Ext and Tor – theory and basic Singular computations |
8.2012-6.2013 | Year abroad at Yonsei University in Seoul, South Korea |
7.2021 – present | Postdoc at Max-Planck-Institute for Meteorology |
2.2020-6.2021 | Postdoc at Technical University of Dortmund |
2016-2019 | Teaching assistant at TU Dortmund: Probability I and II |
2015-2016 | Student assistant at the linguistics department of HU Berlin |
2014-2016 | Student assistant in probability at HU Berlin |
As postdoctoral researcher at MPI I am interested in understanding and quantifying interactions between diurnal warm layers in the tropical ocean and shallow convection. For this I mainly use the output of ICON simulations, but also observational data.
In Mathematics, my research interests lie in stochastic (partial) differential equations driven by fractional Brownian motion (or other Hermite processes) and applications in statistical inference. I am also interested in studying random fields on the sphere. In the majority of my works I use the Malliavin-Stein machinery for Gaussian processes, and I am fascinated by its various applications.
On the intersection of Mathematics and Geosciences my interests are in demonstrating theoretical results for processes that can be modelled involving randomness.
Work in Earth Sciences
C. Hohenegger, P. Korn, L. Linardakis, R. Redler, R. Schnur, P. Adamidis, J. Bao, S. Bastin, M. Behravesh, M. Bergemann, J. Biercamp, H. Bockelmann, R. Brokopf, N. Brüggemann, L. Casaroli, F. Chegini, G. Datseris, M. Esch, G. George, M. Giorgetta, O. Gutjahr, H. Haak, M. Hanke, T. Ilyina, T. Jahns, J. Jungclaus, M. Kern, D. Klocke, L. Kluft, T. Kölling, L. Kornblueh, S. Kosukhin, C. Kroll, J. Lee, T. Mauritsen, C. Mehlmann, T. Mieslinger, A.K. Naumann, L. Paccini, A. Peinado, D.S. Praturi, D. Putrasahan, S. Rast, T. Riddick, N. Roeber, H. Schmidt, U. Schulzweida, F. Schütte, H. Segura, R. Shevchenko, V. Singh, M. Specht, C.C. Stephan, J.-S. von Storch, R. Vogel, C. Wengel, M. Winkler, F. Ziemen, J. Marotzke, B. Stevens – ICON-Sapphire: simulating the components of the Earth System and their interactions at kilometer and subkilometer scales.
Geoscientific Model Development Discussions (2023+).
R. Shevchenko, C. Hohenegger, M. Schmitt – Impact of diurnal warm layers on atmospheric convection.
Preprint, submitted, DOI: 10.22541/essoar.167397455.59355746/v1 (2022).
Work in Mathematics
Note that the authors in mathematical papers are listed alphabetically.
J. Gairing, P. Imkeller, R. Shevchenko, C. A. Tudor – Hurst index estimation in stochastic differential equations driven by fractional Brownian motion.
Journal of Theoretical Probability, 33, 1691-1714 (2019).
R. Shevchenko, M. Slaoui, C. A. Tudor – Generalised k-variations and Hurst parameter estimation for the fractional wave equation via Malliavin calculus.
Journal of Statistical Planning anf Inference, 207, 155-180 (2020).
R. Shevchenko, C. A. Tudor – Parameter estimation for the Rosenblatt Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process with periodic mean.
Statistical Inference for Stochastic Processes, 23, 227-247 (2020).
R. Shevchenko, J. H. C. Woerner – Inference for fractional Ornstein-Uhlenbeck type processes with periodic mean in the non-ergodic case.
Stochastic Analysis and Applications (2021).
R. Shevchenko – On quadratic variations for the fractional-white wave equation.
Accepted for publication in Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics (2022+).
R. Shevchenko, A. P. Todino – Asymptotic behaviour of level sets of needlet random fields.
Accepted for publication in Stochastic Processes and their Applications (2022+).
R. Shevchenko – Quadratic variations for Gaussian isotropic random fields on the sphere.
Accepted for publication in Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré (2023+).
Other materials
R. Shevchenko – Limit theorems and statistical inference for solutions of some stochastic (partial) differential equations.
PhD Thesis, Technical University Dortmund (2020).