
Precipitation - and rain in particular - are important natural phenomena for human life on our planet. We have known for a long time that all water that evaporates from the Earth's surface will eventually return to the surface as precipitation. But which processes or characteristics of the Earth system determine how precipitation gets partitioned between land and ocean? Do fundamental physical laws such as water and energy balance equations constrain this partitioning? How do surface characteristics influence the way it rains?

In my PhD project, I try to answer these and other related questions with the help of simple box models as well as high-resolution model simulations.

Supervisors: Cathy Hohenegger und Bjorn Stevens


Publications and Conference Contributions

L. Schmidt, C. Hohenegger (2024) - Precipitation Enhancement over Tropical Land through the Lens of the Moisture-Precipitation Relationship, submitted to Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society

L. Schmidt, C. Hohenegger (2023) - Constraints on the Ratio between Tropical Land and Ocean Precipitation Derived from a Conceptual Water Balance Model, Journal for Hydrometeorology 24, 1103–1117, DOI 10.1175/JHM-D-22-0162.1

L. Schmidt, C. Hohenegger  - OCELAND: A Conceptual Model to Explain the Partitioning of Precipitation between Land and Ocean, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-2709,, 2022.


Curriculum Vitae

since 2020     PhD student at Max-Planck-Institute for Meteorology in Hamburg, Germany
2018 - 2020

    M.Sc. Physics
    Uppsala University, Sweden
    Master thesis in atomic astrophysics on the topic of

    "Formation of Eu II spectral features in magnetic chemically peculiar stars"

2015 - 2018

    B.Sc. Physics
    University of Stuttgart, Germany
    Bachelor thesis in experimental atomic physics on the topic of

    "Setting up an optical accordion lattice to determine the resolution of a Rydberg ion imaging system"