Shreya Dhame

Department Climate Variability
Group Director's Research Group (CVR)
Position Postdoc
phone +49 40 41173-310
Room B 232

Research Interests

I use climate models and statistical analysis of large data sets to understand large-scale atmospheric and oceanic circulation changes.

Ocean warming patterns

The observed ocean temperatures in the eastern tropical Pacific have increased less than in other parts of the tropics, a change that is not well represented in climate models. The trends in sea surface temperatures across the Pacific are important not only for estimating extreme weather risk and evolution of the El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) under a changing climate but also estimates of climate sensitivity. We use large ensembles, models of various resolution, and machine learning methods to identify causes and impacts of global surface temperature trends with the overall aim to constrain future climate projections.

Interbasin climate interactions

Tropical ocean basins are an interconnected system with strong feedbacks between the oceans that affect variability of an individual ocean basin on multiple timescales. The Indian Ocean warmed rapidly and notably at a faster rate than the other tropical ocean basins in the latter half of the twentieth century. We used pacemaker experiments along with pattern recognition methods and heat budget analysis to quantify the role of a warming Indian Ocean in regulating the mean state and interannual variability in the tropical Pacific and Atlantic oceans.

Science and Art

A scenario of ocean futures, I am working on an immersive mixed reality experience to remind us of the importance of oceans as climate regulators. It is a combination of sound and immersive experience which melds visualizations of local extreme weather events in various locations across the planet with interview recordings. The mixed bag of storylines evolve based on the collective decision making of the audience.


Dhame, S., Taschetto, A., Santoso, A., Liguori, G., Meissner, K., Changes in the tropical Pacific and Atlantic oceans due to a warming Indian Ocean (in prep)

Dhame, S., Olonscheck, D., Rugenstein, M. Higher resolution does not consistently improve equatorial Pacific sea surface temperature pattern across climate models (submitted)

Rugenstein, M., Dhame, S., Olonscheck, D., Wills, R. J., Watanabe, M., & Seager, R. (2023). Connecting the SST Pattern Problem and the Hot Model Problem. Geophysical Research Letters.

Dhame, S., Taschetto, A. S., Santoso, A., & Meissner, K. J. (2020). Indian Ocean warming modulates global atmospheric circulation trends. Climate Dynamics.

Dhame, S., Kumar, A., Ramanathan, A. L., & Chaudhari, P. (2016). Elemental composition, distribution and control of biogenic silica in the anthropogenically disturbed and pristine zone inter-tidal sediments of Indian Sundarbans mangrove-estuarine complex. Marine pollution bulletin.