Carola Kauhs

Department Service
Group Research Coordination and Communication Library
Position wiss. Service
phone +49 40 41173-267
Room B 003 - Bibliothek

Your are looking for ...

... a special publication with MPI-M authors' contribution?

... our Report on Earth System Research?

... and much more?

Simply start a search in the MPG publication database MPG.PuRe.

You can customize your search on the displayed form or add categories. Most publications are available for download as full text.


Personal Publication Lists

Your own publications can be displayed on the staff page. The list is automatically updated as soon as a new publication of the author is released in MPG.PuRe. This means that no one has to take care of the personal publication list frequently. Of course, publications not originating at the MPI-M can also be displayed on these personal lists.

Of course there are also disadvantages:

  • Citation style specified by the institute
  • all MPI-M authors appear in bold print in the personal lists as well
  • no prefixed count (number) possible

Before the first setup you have to decide how the layout should look like; then you don't have to care about anything ;-)  I will do the individualized queries in MPG.PuRe and the correct implementation in the corresponding plug-in in Typo3 for you.

For those interested in doing it themselves we had a special TYPO3 session: Dynamic publication lists for everyone. Here is the live presentation as PDF